1. "Expose sources and methods"
2. "Interfere with the investigation"
These arguments are ridiculous
He's the highest declassification authority, the FBI/DOJ/IC work for him and he's accountable to the public
Anonymous, unaccountable leakers in the DOJ/FBI/IC are NOT
FBI/DOJ/IC leakers have ALREADY LEAKED this info on Confidential Human Sources (CHS), merely to advance/protect a narrative, not for legit authorized purposes:
—MILLIAN (probable CHS) to WaPo Mar 17
—DOWNER (CHS) to NYT Dec 17
—HALPER (CHS) to NYT & WaPo May 18
When @DevinNunes was asking legitimate oversight questions about the FBI's use of sources against the Trump team due to HALPER, @benjaminwittes could barely contain his "anger"
When DOWNER was exposed? A gleeful "Boom"
—SIGINT penetration on senior Putin Kremlin figures, naming the countries carrying it out, to Luke Harding for his "Collusion" book, Dec 16
—U.S surveillance capabilities on Russian Amb KISLYAK (a top secret transcript of calls with @GenFlynn) to WaPo, Jan 17
—SIGNT on Russians, including channels being monitored, which officials intercepted, the contents of these communications & agency doing the monitoring, to NYT, Jan 17
—Exact numbers of calls/messages between Trump officials & Russians, to Reuters, May 17
—Confirmation IC had @carterwpage visit to Moscow "on the radar", to Yahoo, Sep 16
—Sharing of @GeorgePapa19's name as a person of interest with CHRIS STEELE who was not FBI, and did not have a "need to know", in Rome, Oct 16
—Existence of a counterintel investigation into Trump/Russia, to NYT, Oct 31 16
—STEELE dossier (IF credible* would tip off potential targets), to CNN/BuzzFeed, Jan 17
—Existence of FISA against two Russian banks, to BBC, Jan 17
—@GenFlynn phone calls with KISLYAK, to WaPo, Jan 17 (came between two FBI interviews)
—Declined FISA on 4 Trump campaign officials, to Guardian, Jan 17
—Allegations AG SESSIONS met with Amb KISLYAK, to WaPo, Mar 17 (results in recusal)
—Existence of @carterwpage FISA to WaPo, Apr 17 (came before renewals, without Page knowing he was under surveillance)
—Details of FISA on @carterwpage, including use of STEELE dossier, which not even Senate Judiciary knew, to CNN, Apr 17
—Seychelles meeting with Erik Prince/Russian in UAE, to WaPo, Apr 17 (possible "method" too)
—Investigative details on @carterwpage Moscow visit, while Page was still under FISA, to NYT, Apr 17
—That KUSHNER had become "a focus" of the Mueller investigation, to WaPo, May 17
—Specific details (date/location) of FBI interviews with @carterwpage to WaPo, Jun 17
—Grand Jury subpoenas for @GenFlynn, to CBS News, Jun 17
—@GeorgePapa19 emails from the campaign looking to set up Russian meetings, to WaPo Aug 17 (*before* he was indicted)
—Paul Erickson (husband to alleged Russian spy BUTINA) emails to Trump team about meeting with Russians at NRA conv, to CNN, Aug 17
—Existence of longtime FISA on MANAFORT, to CNN/BBC, Sep 17 (likely to influence a court hearing next day)
—MIFSUD's name and bio (*before* he was named as "the professor" in an indictment and while he was still attending public conferences) to WaPo, Sep 17
—Existence of McCabe perjury investigation into AG SESSIONS, to NBC, Mar 18
*This doesn't even include Fusion GPS/Clinton leaks*

1. FBI/DOJ/IC & Collusion Media hacks, please spare us the sermons about sources/methods & interference in an ongoing investigation
2. @realDonaldTrump declassification is lawful and accountable - not illegal & opaque
3. "Journalists" should want more info, not less
IG report: justice.gov/file/1071991/d…
Sen Johnson leaking report: hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/…
Also, please reply or DM if you want a link to any specific story I referenced