TL; DR: There’s a troubling pattern of Cynthia repeatedly, deliberately, selectively *choosing* to not give respect to African-American heritage – the heritage of Harriet Tubman.

Others have unpacked that; this thread won’t.
It rests on a pattern of behavior & choices.
July 2013 - Cynthia starts playing Celie, an African-American, in the UK production of the Color Purple.
February 2017 - Cynthia's casting as Harriet Tubman announced.…
2013 might seem like long ago. It’s not. It was only 5 yrs ago. Cynthia was 26 yrs old.
Very disappointing

Cynthia defends with a telling retweet. (RT isn't always agreement but in this situation, it seems it is.)

(Note: "Black American" here is being used to denote African-#AmericanDOS #BADASS (Black American descendants of slaves & sharecroppers))

We urge the producers to recast. If they don’t, we assure them that we will vocally & actively do our best to prevent this movie from having financial or critical success.…

We invite her to re-examine her patience & knowledge, & her roles in the world and on stage.

-“You have too much time”
-“It’s not that serious”
Yes, I had time today (technically, the last 3 early mornings).
And it *is* very serious that Harriet Tubman’s sacred legacy is protected from those who disrespect her progeny & lineage. #HarrietDeservesBetter
Her response: avoid answering directly & invite Luvvie to her movie premiere on Saturday.
Disappointing #HarrietDeservesBetter

Asked recently if Africans look down on African-#AmericanDOS, Yvonne replied, Nigerians "don't look down, we're always looking up. So if [#AmericanDOS] aren't in our purview, we don't see you."🤔

More tweets from '11 indicate mocking "ghetto" people was ongoing joke b/w Cynthia & friends.
Just last year, Cynthia lamented frequency of "slave" roles. There's some validity in her tweet, but it adds to current #Harriet concern

Choosing who and what is owed an explanation and apology.
Who and what is worthy of promoting and defending.
Who and what gets pedantry as a consolation prize.
These choices speak volumes about respect and integrity.

And when I have engaged her directly, the tenor has remained diplomatic or candid, not hateful…

more of Cynthia's behavior has come to light
More people are aware of her behavior
She appears to have attempted to obscure evidence of that behavior thru deleting posts
(Note, blocking can be used to censor.)
If Cynthia feels something isn't truthful, why not address directly vs. deflecting & deleting?
Does her behavior - her pattern of dismissing, mocking, belittling AAs - stem from love & respect? Or something else?

We should value that which transcends.
And we should also recognize and honor the unique heritage of African-Americans, Harriet Tubman's progeny.
Watch this to understand our perspective. (1/2)
(h/t @ChampagneSharks)
Watch this to help understand the perspective of African-#AmericanDOS, Harriet Tubman's progeny. (2/2)
(h/t @ChampagneSharks)…
Great insights from @RickyRawls @mdmills79 @ChampagneSharks.