The Blasey-Ford/Kavanaugh Hearing
2. Then I realized she was deposing Blasey-Ford and the entire sworn testimony could be strung together via video editing to form a complete, on the record deposition.
4. His responses could also be spliced via video up against her allegations. Smart.
-Is Kavanaugh a black out drunk who can't remember the event?
-Will he demand an FBI investigation?
Ironically, the person who only has partial recognition of this significant event is Blasey-Ford, who claims at the age of 15 to have only 1 beer.
She also revealed she's aware of Go Fund Me pages (raking in $400k+)
That makes no ffffff-ing sense.
21. Lindsey Graham is right. Feinstein should have shared the letter in confidence to at least Grassley so it all could have been handled quietly.