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unseen1 @unseen1_unseen
6 years ago, 13 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
I remember reading a Tom Clancy book decades ago called. Red Storm Rising. In it, Tom explained the difference between the Soviet and American warfighting. The soviets were regimental and followed the battle plan regardless of changes on the ground. They just keep plugging away.
If half the division gets destoryed the other half would keep to their roles in the battle plan.They weren't good at adapting to changes on the ground. Now, I don't know if that was true or not but it's what he wrote. Of course, the book was fiction so take it how you want.
However, I am seeing the modern left act the same way today. The media, the Senate Dems, the Quislings within the GOP. All continue to follow the battle plan of resistance as they are being wiped out.
For instance, with the kavanaugh confirmation we see their plan. Use late sex allegations to stop the nomination.They originally felt the Ford stuff + additional accusations would cause Trump/GOP to withdraw the nomination. That failed but the left continued on.
Their next goal was to delay in the committee. To hold the nomination up at the committee level. They hid Ford and tried to get the hearing pushed back. That had some success but it cost them a lot of resources and good will. Still they continued on.
The hearing was held. The left thought that would be the end. They poured even more resources, calling for an investigation. All with the goal of stopping the vote and keeping Kavanaugh in committee. The left lost that battle too. The vote was taken and the confirmation went on.
During all of these battles, the left are chewing through resources and good will. The American people are turning on them, yet they continue on. When they couldn't stop the vote they activated their most damaged Quisling in the GOP, Flake, and got a FBI investigation.
Still they lost the main battle, the vote. While they gained an FBI delay of up to a week, the GOP opened debate on the floor. In desperation the left didn't change the battle plan they just committed more resources. Their biggest weapon the media have been thrown into the fight.
There too they are losing. The media is unable to change the battle, yet the left still continues on throwing up new charges now. Basically anything to try to stop the last two votes. In this process the GOP have adapted and changed tactics several times and have scored wins.
We can expect the left to continue down the path of the same battle plan. Call for more delays due to a bad investigation blah, blah. Hoping to get through the defensive line or have a breakout but in so doing they are going through an awful lot of resources and poll numbers.
So yeah, we see the attack coming. We know they will follow the same battle plan, the same tactics but they are weakened now. They are on their last legs. They are ripe for a counter attack. The only way we lose is if our side quits. Could that happen? Sure. Will it?
IDK but I'll be damned if I'm going to scream "we are all doomed" before the final battles are fought. I'll be damned if I'm going to assume they will win. That is the way to give them the victory they didn't earn. We shall see. This week is the final battle. Midterms are here.
If the left can't delay the vote they lose. If they are able to delay they win. If they decide to activate their other Quislings they may win the battle and lose the war. I like our chances under Trump's and cocaine Mitch's leadership. We shall see but we are far from "doomed".
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