Let's kick this off by rewinding back a few days.
If you haven't seen it yet, there's a bit of rough language, but this is History. Please give it a watch.
But it's not JUST the Black Community Kanye has to worry about, as you heard him say, he was "BULLIED."
#1. They are superior in their minds. Just look at them and listen. They will tell you.
#2. They love to plot and plan and scheme. These people LIE ALL the time, and justify it to no end.
You always have to give in and play to their emotions and go along with them or else. They're always "moody" as well.
Emotional manipulation, usually mixed with lies and denial, projection, bullying, gas lighting....
And unlike before...The Powers that be won't be able to stop him. And he's got PLENTY of friends.
For me it was about 1988-1989, which to ME, is the last time Rap REALLY mattered as a whole. #ShutEmDown #MAGA

Isn't @realDonaldTrump & @kanyewest...
Are we not "Shutting them down"?? We Are. #AmericanPride

Jim Brown is MAYBE the MOST respected black men in America. Hands down. But then, he's been at this for a while. #OG #StreetCred #RealLife

And now we're ALL being delivered. #GodBlessPOTUS

Leftism in American is FINISHED.

Kanye at SNL was a historic moment in the destruction of the Left. Now we pour fuel on the fire.
Thanks for reading. #MAGA

Thanks for Reading!!