I've been truly fascinated by all the recent developments that are happening around stories. I tried to structure some of my observations and articulate my thoughts in the thread below.

Snapchat has never had a desktop app. Stories were actually never intended to be consumed or created on desktop.
Newsfeed was designed at the time when desktop was much bigger than mobile, so keyboard and mouse were key inputs. Camera is a key-input for mobile-only stories world.
There are no likes or comments visible to everyone on stories. Stories are inherently more personal, because they only facilitate direct communication between creator and audience.
Immersive nature of stories makes them perfect for consumption in VR/AR. Snap Spectacles is definitely a move in that direction and there's more to come.
Big man Marshall McLuhan couldn't be more right when he said this. @nypl has recently started publishing entire novels as Instagram stories.

Stories are the perfect medium for generation of dopamine-hungry people with short attention span. And it's cray and exciting.