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2 min read
All of the fancy schmancy french theory wonk is watered down kojeve- they lack his lucidity, & favor an obscurantist vocabulary which hides their inability to articulate what they cribbed from, usually, the people who attended Kojeve's lectures in france.
He reads like a more fleshed out Dostoevsky antagonist, like Ivan Karamazov, who fully imbibed Solovyov & Florensky & Fedorov's christian theology & rejected it. While Hegel called himself the consciousness of Napoleon, Kojeve claimed he was Stalin's consciousness.
He believed, really believed, that he had attained "Absolute Knowledge" & that such a state rendered him God-on-Earth:
His major criticism of Spinozan atheism/acosmism is that in order to believe Spinoza, we must believe that Spinoza attained Absolute Knowledge & was thus God- he failed to do this which makes his claims entirely baseless. Only Hegel, later, understood the necessity of this claim.
Kojeve turns Hegel on his head in the Marxian tradition, & with the use of Heideggerian terminology, creates the most purely materialistic metaphysics ever devised- which is based entirely on Desire. Lacan cribbed this & mixed it with Freudian nonsense (obscurantist that he was).
What's most incredible about Kojeve is that he was one of the major architechts of early EU policy, he even died at his bureacratic station. The EU was literally informed by a Luciferian-Stalinist who claimed to be God-on-Earth lol.
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