The debate has been heated. I’m going to try and look at this as objectively as possible, to help people who want to respond by Friday’s deadline.
It’s a bit long so it’s in 4 parts (THREAD)
2/ I did my own mini consultation and asked people for resources and ideas. I read everything I was sent. It was really useful. Thank you.
10/ So to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA). Important to understand that the GRA was the result of a human rights judgment in the case of a male>female transgender person called Christine Goodwin (

22/ In amongst this difficult debate, I sense that there is a broad (not full) agreement that the GRC process isn’t working well as it is so unnecessarily difficult and costly. So that’s a good starting point.

37/ Human rights begin in the small places, in the dignity and personal development of each and every one of us. Ideas of gender (and sex) are changing and society has changed with them. That is a good thing in my view.
As you can probably tell from the above, I will be responding that I think the regime for obtaining a GRC should be liberalised.