And we need to recapture it.
A thread follows.
It isn't merely Trump using the military to “play politics,” which frames the issue too euphemistically.
Trump *needs* to do this, in order to create imagery on voters’ televisions that makes that fiction *appear* real.
One says the depiction of the migrants as an “invasion” is fantasy.
Another bluntly asks whether the military is being used for “political purposes”:…

It concludes only 20% of migrants will arrive at border. As for Trump's claims about “middle Easterners” and “tough fighters," The Post concludes: “The assessment does not support any of those claims.”…
Ask yourself: How many of them have objected to sending in the military to feed that panic?
The point is, what Trump is doing makes solutions *harder* to achieve, not easier:…

As I’ve reported, if Democrats take back the House, that’s exactly what it will get:…