Looks like he'll talk about Ghost, Spectre, Pahntom, Graphchain, <not be named cuz trolls>, Avalanche
Live stream: facebook.com/BDTechCommunit…

He is going to talk about dencetralized consensus protocols.
No trusted parties, peer-to-peet flat network, each connected node can faily arbitrary. No list of malicious of faculty nodes available to honest parties, that list is dynamic too.
So he is considering worst-case scenarios, and our cryptocurrenies should work in this environment.
What are the requirements?
Honest nodes only follow known formal consensus protocols (no human interaction or extra info besides p2p network).
1/2+ majority, or vast
Redundancy is accepted, all honest nodes may independently execute the same algorithm.
Where do we use such protocols? Cryptocurrencies!
Highly reliable computer systems (data bases, computing clusters) and critical systems (avionics,
He has a picture of global with transaction propagation. Point is that there might be an inconsistent transaction sequence across all nodes (because of delivery delay).
Delivery delay due to latency + validating tx
OK so now he is going to explain Phantom. The authors changed how to reach a decision on which transactions are in the block.
When I mine block, I see the past of all mined blocks. My blocks will be seen by future blocks.
At this moment, several blocks will be mined at the same time, and I won't see these blocks. So they won't be referenced by mine.
The parallel blocks to "intercone?" - if we consider