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Paula Chertok🗽 @PaulaChertok
7 years ago, 45 tweets, 28 min read Read on Twitter
50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica. Psych prof/developer Aleksandr Kogan accessed 270k FB users' data w his app, then collected their friends' data…& sold it all to Trump's data firm which used it to target ads in 2016 election theguardian.com/news/2018/mar/…
FB 2018: "We learned a psychology professor at the University of Cambridge named Dr. Aleksandr Kogan lied to us…by passing data from an app…using Facebook Login to SCL/Cambridge Analytica, a firm that does political, government… military work around the globe." FB knew in 2015
"purpose of Kogan’s work was to develop an algorithm for the 'national profiling capacity of American citizens' as part of SCL’s work on U.S. elections, according to an internal document signed by an SCL employee describing the research"– 3/2017 report theintercept.com/2017/03/30/fac…
The Facebook/Kogan/Cambridge Analytica story gives me that sinking feeling. How Orwellian if a psychology prof studying "prosociality & well-being" ended up helping put Trump in the WH. This story needs some serious investigation to unravel. That FB banned him is a big deal.
‘I created Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool’: meet the whistleblower who revealed Cambridge Analytica secretly harvested data of 50 million Facebook users…just in time to match voter rolls in 2016 election | #MustRead NEW @carolecadwalla theguardian.com/news/2018/mar/…
Alekandr Kogan (changed his name to Spectre)–just banned by Facebook in what is now a huge Cambridge Analytica data scandal–is faculty at Cambridge U & also at St Petersburg U, Russia, coincidentally home to the propaganda/information warfare troll factory indicted by Mueller.
"I didn’t understand either the email or the pitch presentation we did. Why would a Russian oil company want to target information on American voters?” Whistleblower Wylie has documents of Cambridge Analytica pitch to LUKOIL & Putin associate Alekperov.
Cambridge Analytica says didn't use Kogan data in 2016 election; said his firm was "led by a seemingly reputable academic at an internationally renowned institution who made explicit contractual commitments to us regarding its legal authority to license data." Good Infographic:
THANK GOODNESS FOR STATE AGs👏 DOJ & Congress should be all over this Cambridge Analytica/Facebook scandal. Instead they're bending as in authoritarian regimes like Russia, using power as a sword & shield, going after Trump foes to protect him from Mueller's Russia investigation.
🔥@thehill comment: "Let's cut the crap: a data mining company working for the Trump campaign stole personal information from voters in key swing states and sent it to Russian online propagandists to help Trump's flailing campaign and install him in WH…" disq.us/p/1r0wfwk
Cambridge Analytica fraudulently harvested & exploited "private [Facebook] social media activity of a huge swath of the American electorate, developing techniques that underpinned its work for President Trump campaign in 2016" nytimes.com/2018/03/17/us/…
Remember her? “Without Facebook, we wouldn’t have won. I mean, Facebook really and truly put us over the edge.”—Theresa Hong, of Trump's digital election campaign discusses using #CambridgeAnalytica data and #Facebook…now we know fraudulently.
#CambridgeAnalytica is facing investigations by UK Parliament and govt regulators into allegations it illegally acquired & used #Facebook data for "leave EU" #Brexit campaign. Russia's information warfare, propaganda, trolls, bots, etc. suspected here too. nytimes.com/2018/03/17/us/…
Such a massive scandal, not the least is that Facebook can't put genie back in bottle. 50+million users' data is already in Cambridge Analytica algorithms, sold to political campaigns & businesses around the world to manipulate the public. Who knows whose hands are on that data.
#Facebook is facing an existential crisis after stunning revelation of massive data harvesting/breach that ended up at #CambridgeAnalytica who have used it in political campaigns aligned with Kremlin interests. cnnmon.ie/2HKHeH8 #Russia #Brexit #TrumpRussia ^@_JakubJanda
>> Bombshell report exposes stunning Kremlin-like underworld of dirty tricks Trump's election firm #CambridgeAnalytica CEO Nix admits using to undermine elections worldwide–bribes, ex-spies, fake IDs, sex workers, shadowy sub-contractors. via @Channel4News channel4.com/news/cambridge…
"We're used to operating thru different vehicles, in the shadows." Senior executives at Cambridge Analytica–the data firm that credits itself w/ Trump’s presidential victory–admit they entrap politicians w/ sex, secretly post on internet, so no one even thinks "that's propaganda"
Research Director turned whistleblower reveals Cambridge Analytica data grab of 50 million Facebook profiles, used to build algorithms that predict AND alter voter behavior. Fraudulently obtained, this data was used to subvert democracy around the world.
Interesting: Chris Wylie says Kogan helped Bannon's Cambridge Analytica for free. "What he got was the data." Whistleblower reveals to Channel 4 News more about data grab of 50 million Facebook profiles & the launch of the data firm linked to Trump win channel4.com/news/cambridge…
NEW: #Facebook Security Chief Alex Stamos Said to Leave After Internal Clashes Over Disinformation. "Stamos had been a strong advocate…for investigating and disclosing Russian activity." @ScottShaneNYT @sheeraf @nicoleperlroth report nytimes.com/2018/03/19/tec…
Chilling Wylie on Bannon/ Cambridge Analytica's "grossly unethical experiment." Like Mengele meets Goebbels. They created a full-service propaganda machine to control & change people's perception of reality, effectively brainwashing an entire nation.
#Maddow: Lukoil is a private Russian company that's been deployed as an instrument of the Kremlin in influence operations in Czech Rep & has been sanctioned for it. Cambridge Analytica and Kogan did political work for Lukoil. During Trump campaign, CA was in touch w/ Wikileaks.
Chris Wylie: Bannon wanted information weapons to win a culture war. Cambridge Analytica pulled data to profile exact vulnerabilities to exploit. This data was the foundation of the company. CA pitched Lewandowski–before Trump announced, tested "drain the swamp" "build the wall."
Wylie: I'm concerned Cambridge Analytica made Russia aware of the programs we were working on. That may have led to the disinformation campaign & Russian interference in our election. Nix sent my white paper on data use in US to Lukoil, pitching disinformation, rumor, kompromat.
Wylie says he recognized Trump campaign slogans about "the wall" and "the swamp" because Cambridge Analytica tested them for Trump before he even announced his election bid. CA's denials about what they did for Trump campaign don't seem credible. @donlemon
#Breaking: Cambridge Analytica Suspends CEO Alexander Nix Amid Facebook Data Uproar - WSJ wsj.com/articles/cambr…
⚡️"We ran ALL of Trump's digital campaign"– Suspended Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix states in part 3 of @Channel4News's undercover investigation. via @zacharybasu @axios axios.com/cambridge-anal… #TrumpRussia #Facebook #CambridgeAnalytica #RussiaInvestigation #Mueller
Cambridge Analytica's Nix and other executives discussed thwarting US election laws by acting as a conduit between the Trump campaign & outside super PACs. THIS IS ILLEGAL. CA fed "Crooked Hillary" material to "proxy organizations–charities, activist groups," funded by Mercer $$
KellyAnne Conway apparently ran Make America No1 super-PAC–aka Keep the Promise, Defeat Crooked Hillary–until she joined Trump campaign. Then David Bossie (of Citizens United infamy) ran it before joining too. CambridgeAnalytica was their illegal conduit to campaign, say CA execs
Watch Cambridge Analytica execs say their data & research allowed Trump to win narrow 40k margin in 3 states: "We did all the data, all analytics, all the targeting, we ran all the digital campaign, the television campaign & our data informed all the strategy" for President Trump
Those of us who saw previous Kremlin disinformation campaigns watched w/ horror as the Trump campaign/RNC/GOP openly echoed & parroted Russian propaganda in form & substance, drowning our information space. It was no coincidence. Cambridge Analytica holds the collusion key imho.
NEW Aleksandr Kogan interview: Scientist at center of Cambridge Analytica data harvesting scandal says Facebook is making him a scapegoat. Downplays effectiveness of his own work, blames whistleblower Wylie for his FB violations money.cnn.com/2018/03/20/tec…
Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica’s 2014 effort to collect Facebook data on millions of Americans. He approved spending a $1 million on acquiring the data. (That's a lot of money for what Kogan just claimed is overrated & not very effective🤔) rawstory.com/2018/03/bannon…
Investors File Class Action Lawsuit Against #Facebook in Federal Court After Disclosure #CambridgeAnalytica Improperly Obtained Data on 50+ Million Users For Voter Profiling in 2016 Election bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
Data, Democracy and Dirty Tricks – Latest @Channel4News investigation #Facebook data scandal used by shady #CambridgeAnalytica in political operations for #Brexit & #Trump campaigns channel4.com/news/data-demo…
Links Between Cambridge Analytica & Russia Emerge Despite Denials. Russian energy giant Lukoil received US voter data from CA after 2014 sanctions were imposed. Lukoil & its oligarch had the means & motive to undermine US & UK elections. v @PolygraphInfo polygraph.info/a/cambridge-an…
Would make sense if Lukoil's Russian oligarch Vekselberg got Cambridge Analytica data for Russian oligarch Prigozhin, financier of St Peter troll factory propaganda/information warfare on 2016 election. All would be working to advance Kremlin interests. Veks was rewarded in 2017.
Correction: Lukoil's Russian oligarch *Alekperov* had the means & motive to pass Cambridge Analytica data to another Russian oligarch, Prigozhin, who funded the Kremlin propaganda troll operation. (I mistakenly said Vekselberg above. Thx @dcpoll for catching my oligarch mishap ;)
FTC is investigating Facebook's privacy practices for “unfair acts that cause substantial injury to consumers” after Cambridge Analytica scandals and public outrage over FB failure to protect personal information/data of 50+million users.
Precisely THIS: Whistleblower Chris Wylie believes given Lukoil’s relationship with Russian intelligence, Cambridge Analytica CEO Nix could have easily notified & provided their client Lukoil in Russia with Kogan’s massive data from Facebook of US voters.
#Facebook-#CambridgeAnalytica scandal keeps growing: Facebook suspends #AIQ, Canadian data firm that played key role in #Brexit referendum campaign to leave #EU, citing links to Cambridge Analytica which improperly harvested 10s of millions of users’ data. bbc.com/news/technolog…
Good @voxdotcom explainer on Mercer's data firm #CambridgeAnalytica, embroiled in scandal, its psychographic model and key Trump-Russia players, including dead but not forgotten GOP operative Peter Smith, who pursued Russian hackers for Flynn vox.com/policy-and-pol…
PsychoMETRIC, that is. @motherboard was on the #CambridgeAnalytica story early on. This Jan 2017 article tells the story of Kosinki's big data model, a young asst prof Kogan approaching him…and well… it's a good read on turning the world upside down. motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/…
NEW: Cambridge Analytica & 'associated US persons' are under Justice Dept & FBI investigation. DOJ securities & financial fraud division & cybercrime experts are investigating the data firm Bannon/Mercers set up to help elect Trump & other GOP. nytimes.com/2018/05/15/us/…
💥Cambridge Analytica director 'met Assange to discuss US election' and channeled money to Wikileaks. theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/j…
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