Came in this am to discover my pt from yesterday had imaging overnight that revealed catastrophic injuries, along with her sepsis and multi-system organ failure
I'm not sure b/c pt is sedated and fully ventilated, with no hope of waking up.
I find out that if we can show "intent to marry" that a ceremony can be performed. Photos of pt trying on dress are used. A minister agrees to come after church.
Except Pt starts to deteriorate. Cushing triad. Call family in and discuss options. They have a family member willing to perform ceremony, if only for symbolic reasons now...
Flowers are placed in braids along with headband & veil. A blue blanket is draped at end of bed.
Music is being played, someone has a guitar and another has a drum.
Everyone in tears
They are now all in song with only the drum being played, which I feel is shaking my entire soul
Pt stabilizes somewhat. I realize it's now afternoon and I haven't had a break or worse, my coffee! I decide to step away for a few minutes. Go outside for air. Find myself at grocery store across the street...
So much love
Pt begins to fail again.
The guitar is being played and everyone is singing Amazing Grace. Am I singing along? Maybe. Not sure with this lump in my throat.
A tear falls down her cheek and now everyone is sobbing. My sobs are internalized and I keep my eye on the monitor...
The new groom is now a widow.
Call funeral home, with request to leave braids untouched... Veil and flowers too.
Take a long overdue drink of water.
No time for tears.
There's an admission on the way.