Have you all ever heard of the unreliable narrator trope? The trope (typically used in literature) where the narrator disbands that element of trust you expect from them and contradicts themselves? /1
Both Kylo and Luke fit into this trope in TLJ. /2
Just as well, Luke seems to be hiding something from Rey the entire time. /3
This is important. /5
We've seen qualities in Luke that really represent the unreliable narrator trope. There's one last thing I want to bring up about Luke, though. /6
Kylo (from what we know) wanted Rey to turn to the Dark side. We see it when he kills Snoke and asks her to join him, but we first see it when he says that Luke tried to kill him. /8
While this could very obviously be true, I have a few issues with this. /11
There's more, and this is just a base theory. /12
However, we see Rey resist him and she leaves him to die, again.
Kylo is intentionally telling the story so that he is the victim! We can tell that isn't true. /14
Is Rey someone important to the story's daughter? Personally, I think so. However, that's up to you to decide. /end
TVTropes on unreliable narrators: tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.…
TLJ case for Rey Skywalker: swshadowcouncil.com/the-tlj-case-f…
Also, don't forget to drink a glass of water and take care of yourself. 🔆😀