" It has been forecast that, in a no-deal Brexit scenario, Kent will need to cope with holding up to 10,000 HGVs on a routine basis."
[That's thousands more than during any previous period of disruption.]
Freight Plan’ (Brock Stage 5) – including plans for priority passenger freight,
and the ‘National Ports Strategy."
[Sounds like mobilising for war. In a sense we are: economic war, waged on ourselves.]
part-manufactured, in the EU. A no-deal scenario could disrupt their supply
chain for border control work, and conversely the food supply chain"
[Hmm... Disrupted food supply chain. Sounds bad. Is bad.]
arrangements for priority freight movements including livestock"
[Welcome to a future in which certain freight gets whisked through while other freight languishes a queue, as determined by pen-pushing bureaucrats.]
[Go home. Just go home. We'll call you if the situation ever normalises again. Don't wait by the phone.]
[Brexit is literally as well as metaphorically rubbish.]