If I tried that on @alexbhturnbull & @simonahac would make fun of me. 1/14
At $250m for an extra 235MW generating capacity, using your maths we we get ~$5/MWh. 3/14
Some additional info on the project:
also you can see how Qld & NSW use it on OpenNEM. 4/14

First we should be clear of the difference between pumped hydro operating in dispatchable mode for rapid response, and what'll potentially be important long term in bulk energy time shifting over days or more. 6/14

Note also the 30% round trip loss here. 8/14

Useful data here: theconversation.com/want-energy-st…
theconversation.com/at-its-current… 10/14

If serious research on this exists… 🙏🏾 13/14
So we don't do it. And more options for firm supply would be useful. 14/14