For those of you who know me for my #Doom community work, let me take you on a quick retrospective of my 2018.
I'm cheating with the first one admittedly, but it is required mentioning...
Dedicated to my late best friend, @SnowKate709, it's a set of 3 cute and colorful speedmaps that I polished. Two were made for birthdays of hers, and the third, "For a Fallen Fox", was made immediately after her passing. My very soul went into all of this.
My brother @baratus93 and I made this abstract-looking Doom total conversion for @globalgamejam '18, with him on art and concepts and me on programming and music. It was a hectic few days but we were very happy with the result. Won't be attending GGJ'19, sadly.
Yet another speedmap! Though this one was done in 6 hours - thrashed out mere hours before the deadline for @joel_vinesauce's 2nd Doom mapping contest elapsed. Still happy with the result! The name comes from the tune by Stuart "stewboy" Rynn that it uses.
@TerminusEst13 and I collaborated on this map for E3M7 of @RevaeRavus's astounding TC "REKKR". My first Vanilla outing in ages - we had to be mindful of visplane counts and the like. The map is fairly straightforward in shape but absolutely stuffed with baddies.
#BeThereAndBeSquare! @TheRealMTrop and @XaserAcheron deserve mention here, as they helped me with both maps pictured. Stellar work, guys. Announced on April Fool's but was no joke - Square saw its long-awaited 2.0 release on April 6.
...And then I delved right back into pure mapping insanity. On a marathon donation-fueled Twitch stream featuring buddies @Dragonfly_Doom, @TheRealMTrop, and AD_79, plus guest stars, we made no fewer than 35 maps in 20 hours. Six of those are mine.
I broke myself out of an emotional slump following a break-up by committing myself to making an Ultimate Doom episode 4 replacement. I made just about all of it inside 24 hours. The lovely @fuzzballfox helped me along with graphics and ideas!
Started earlier in the year, technically, but was finished in September. A guest map for @Dragonfly_Doom's monstrous "Eviternity" project. Could be my largest map ever? Not sure. Certainly I haven't made a singular map this sprawling in a good long while.
With @scwiba's NaNoWriMo-like mapping event taking place this month, I went ham. I planned out a full Ultimate Doom replacement - 27 maps. Build time? 9 days. I'm still not sure how I did it. Even after having written up a thread about how I did it. Weird month.
So that's it for 2018 - but stay tuned for more, as always.
Adventures of Square:
Abyssal 34 (Aorta/Chameleon):…
Abyssal 38 (Monster Mash):…
Abyssal 40 (Deadwood):…
Project: Kate:
Mayhem 2018 Purple:…
Team Rocket:…
Verse Hopper:…
Eviternity: (RC2 soon, wait for that)
Jiffy Bag:
Joy of Mapping 6:…