agenda is here:…

he has concerns about affordable housing in the draft CIP budget (there’s a joint session with planning commission & council on this tomorrow)…
the city is proposing changing the funding model for nonprofits from general operations support to specific priority funding. she says there hasn’t been sufficient community input.
“we have to look at outcome.”
some people who’ve been funded in the past may not continue to get funding. everyone should be focused on the needs of the people who are supposed to be getting served.
she’s addressing some of the past statements about the CRB & clearing up some misconceptions.
“you lose legitimacy when you hide data that doesn’t need to be hidden,” she says, quoting an officer from fairfax.
jesus fuckin christ my dude. have a seat.
nikuyah calls him back & asked if he knows why wes proposed the change. he says “because he owned spaces.”
this old white man obviously did not read the article.
“what does true healing, true reconciliation look like?”
preston ave runs through 2 primarily black neighborhoods. this was not an accident.
the man won’t hold wes’s gaze. he’s unhappy with the reception he’s received for his bullshit racist ignorance.
this is such a quintessentially charlottesville moment. i’m having deja vu.
“not every officer is wrong, but not every officer is right.” there needs to be accountability.

nikuyah asks if this has been enforced in the past - mike murphy cites one incident with a music hall.
(these are all 1st of 2 readings, no votes on these amendments tonight)
missy creasy from NDS says the existing code doesn’t clearly define dwelling unit, for example a fraternity house isn’t clearly a dwelling unit currently.
if council adopts the amendment, she asks them to include an exemption for her client.
missy says they want to add 5 units, but would only be able to add 4 if the frat house is a dwelling unit.
blair: ordinance could be crafted in a way to not affect this property.
issues with definition have been noted for years - he cites his predecessor’s code audit which noted this as a problem.
yes, kathy, it does:
mike signer says that because several councilors have children, every other meeting should be during the day (the county does this)
the 2019 meeting schedule (with a break in july) passes unanimously.