But in today's @MorningCybersec, experts told me that the vendor proposals GA has received are full of problems.

One county election official argued for electronic voting, but cited only minor logistical problems with paper that can be solved. No mention of security.
But surely that won't affect how the state treats ES&S.
Chair, unfamiliar with NIST, asks: "Have they ever done anything controversial?"
"I'm just trying to figure out who I'm fixing to endorse. It sounds legit."
Chair proposes instead adding Lee's text as his personal view at the end of the document, significantly watering down its effect.
Lee isn't having it. "I strongly object to his characterization of what I want to do," he says of the lawyer.
But it's rejecting almost every suggestion from the only member with actual cybersecurity expertise.
Microcosm of election security in America.
So it's up to the states, where cybersecurity fluency is even more lacking.