6 years ago, 5 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
Women who earn A's in introductory physics courses feel as competent as men who earned C's.

This agrees with the anecdotes I've felt personally and discussed with other female engineers. It's also present long past intro classes, in my experience
A short story- once a male classmate told me he could always get the hw done [for a class we were both in] starting at 10 pm the night before and still do well. I felt bad for a while, as I'd always put in SO much work. Far later I learned "do well" meant Cs when I'd figured As
Now that's just one story from one person, but it's more indicative of something I took years to notice and is backed up by this study.

Women in engineering constantly FEEL that they're not succeeding enough in a way that far outweighs most of the men around them
This leads to something I've noticed before in nuclear engineering. There aren't many women in the field, but many of the women who are are total rockstars.

I think it's because women who are more typical or average in their engineering classes think they're failing & leave
I graduated with many average male students. I'm not disparaging them, I'm sure they're going to go on and be very successful engineers.

There's a pool of potential successful and competent female engineers that we're losing because of phenomena like this
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