You recently wrote:
“Democrats all-encompassing hatred of President Trump and unwillingness to work with him -– on things that matter to the American people –- will be one of the chief reasons he gets reelected.”, 1/
Nothing could be further from the truth, which is part of what makes this period, as Trump falters and his multiple misdeeds come to light, so profoundly dangerous. 2/
— ginning up racial animus as a lever to power
— daily lies to the point where nothing he says, as President!, can be trusted
— obscene laziness
— his unrelenting attacks on the press
— his unrelenting attacks on the rule of law
— the never-ending chaos
— his referring to Nazis marching under a swastika *on American soil*, who beat bystanders and killed a young woman, as “very fine people”
— his violations of nepotism rules
— his violations of the emoluments clause
— his coddling of dictators, especially balanced against his habit of insulting long time allies
— his complete disregard for the people of Puerto Rico, who are American citizens
And on and depressingly on, a terrible, daily drumbeat.
If you listen to a scrappy young Lindsey Graham, you’d hear him warning you of this same outcome. You knew. And you were right.
Trump’s era will end. That much is inevitable.
As a nation, we need better, and I believe you have it in you.
Rob. /end