Covering Yellow Vest protests in France, for #ActeXI on Saturday #26Janvier
Large crowd of #GiletsJaunes gather in #Caen for the start of #Acte11
Vive la France!
A woman #GiletsJaunes with her hands up is grabbed by Macron Regime Forces, hit over the back of the head with a baton for no reason & then dragged away seemingly unconscious
Vive la France!
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As usual Western media have a near 100% blackout on the protests

Once again Macron is gassing & using brute force against his own people.
But there is no international condemnation for this Neoliberal Dictator

Was he expecting trouble as a result of Macron's disastrous Neoliberal policies?…

Vive la France!
Macron is gassing his own people.
Where is the international condemnation?
Vive la France!
Women #JiletsJaunes chant at Macron Regime Forces in #Bordeaux
#Vive la France!
Macron is gassing his own people.
There is a near total Western media blackout on these protests today.
Cameraman Jerome #Rodriguez, filming the #GiletsJaunes protests, is shot in the face with a #Flashball grenade by Macron Regime Forces in #Paris
Jérôme #Rodrigues after being shot in the eye with a #Flashball grenade by the barbaric Macron Regime Forces in #Paris

Macron Regime Forces fire clouds of Tear Gas at them
The Mass Media will deliberately massively under estimate how many people took part in the protests across France today (as they have done previously).
Pics like these will be used by Mass Media to try & denigrate the #GiletsJaunes when over 99% of the protesters are peaceful.
Macron will also likely be using Agent Provocateurs.
Shocking images supplied by @ClementLanot
More police brutality when they catch one.
Macron Regime Forces fire Stun Grenades and Tear Gas at #GiletsJaunes protestors in Place de la République
More pics from Place de la République