The aim of the Neoliberal Globalists is to transfer ALL wealth and power to a cabal of anti democracy Oligarchs, Bankers and CEOs.…
#MayMustGo May is a Globalist TRAITOR to the UK

CFR & Chatham House were created in the 1920's.…
#MayMustGo May works for the Globalists, she is a TRAITOR to the UK


#MayMustGo - she has Capitulated to the EU and is a TRAITOR to the UK

They work directly against the interests of the 99%
Geoffrey Cox is a Charlatan & Fraud. May's "Withdrawal Agreement" is designed to make us permanent slaves to the EU

He was a Lobbyist for Big Tobacco and the left used to hate him for his Right Wing Corporatist Agenda.…
He is NOT on your side. Why don't the #Remainers realize this?

TTIP was NEVER a "Free Trade" agreement it is a Corporatist PROTECTIONIST deal & Fascist Corporate Power grab…

He works for the Bankers and the Corporate Oligarchy to enslave and impoverish the 99%.
Geoffrey Cox

If you only ever watch one speech about the EU & the tricks the Establishment uses to deceive the public - watch this 3 mins of Truth Bombs
Geoffrey Cox

Theresa May's disastrous deal will make the UK permanent slaves of the EU
Calls for the PM to Resign if she loses the vote tonight
Geoffrey Cox

ALL EU laws & policies are decided & initiated by unelected EU Commissioners, Presidents & Council of Ministers - which is EUSSR's EXACT equivalent of Kremlin's Politburo
Tony Benn spoke the Truth

"I can think of no other body of men outside the Kremlin who have so much power without a shred of accountability for what they do."
Geoffrey Cox

Corrupt & Treasonous Neoliberal Globalists will do anything, fair means or foul, to prevent UK exit from EU control
John Major became head of EU branch of War Profiteers The Carlyle Group & Tony Blair is a Mass Murdering War Criminal Psycho

Any MP who votes for this deal is a Traitor to the UK.
#MayMustGo She has Capitulated to the EU and is a Traitor to the UK