Huge numbers out on the streets of #Caracas against Maduro in protest scheduled weeks beforehand, aided by CIA Regime Change Ops & Cash.
The opposition did not contest the Presidential election because they KNEW they would HEAVILY lose it.

Things are heating up in #Venezuela, aided and abetted by CIA Regime Change Ops & US gov Cash.
We await to see if these opposition protests have any staying power & what the response will be from Maduro supporters.
Maduro visited Beijing in September 2018 and secured $5bn of new loans and investment
#Venezuela is part of the ongoing #Petrodollar Wars…

Venezuela - U.S. Again Tries Regime Change Which Is Again Likely To Fail…

The opposition are recycling old videos of previous protests as part of their propaganda.
Link to to 2016 Vid


Other key countries include Syria, Ukraine, Latin America in general, & Germany.
Geopolitics in the 21st Century…
Venezuela is a large part of the Empire's Battleground in Latin America

The massive crowds seen in Caracas yesterday were not protesting against Maduro, they were commemorating the 1958 Coup that overthrew the Military Dictatorship.
There are no banners with pics of opposition leader @jguaido etc.
Nobody voted for that guy - Juan Guaido. #WeAreMaduro
US intervention is not welcome here.
Hardly grounds for "a popular uprising" that the Western media & US gov are trying to make you believe.
Attempted Coup Leader @jguaido made a baseless claim to rule, after getting ZERO votes in recent Presidential election.
There was some minor violence last night