ThE sNOw gLOwS WhITe oVeR WhitEHall toNIGht
nOT a sTAteSMan tO Be seEn
UnITEd KinGDom ISolatED
a PM wHo THInks sHe’s a QUEen
BaCK bENchES hOWliNg liKE THis snOW stORm nOW oUTsidE
COuldN'T keEP it IN, HEaveN knoWS I've trIEd
Be tHE HorROR, yoU alwAYs haVE to BE
ConCEal, dON't feEL, Don't let THEm knOW
WeLL, NOw thEY KNow...
CAn't hoLD it bAck ANYmoRe.
I am GovE! I am goVe!
SHed thIS skiN aND taKE the floOR.
i DOn't cAre whAT tHEy're GOinG tO sAY!
Let THis stORm raGE oN.
EldriTCH cOld nEvEr bOtherEd mE anyWAy.
mAkeS evEryTHing sEEm SMall.
FEArs of BoJO thAt cONtroLLed mE,
cAn't gET tO mE at aLL!
It's TImE to sEE whAT I cAN do.
TESt hUManity’s limITS aNd brEAk thrOUgh
No RIght, NO wroNG, no RULes fOr mE.
<eldritch scream>
For PM I’ll nOw TRy!
I am GovE! I am goVe!
<banshee wail towards the sky>
HERe I sTAnd! And HErE I sTay!
LEt mY stORm rAge oN…
mY SOul is SPirallinG iN dARkenED frACtals aLL arOUnd,
AnD onE tHOUght crystallizES liKE aN ICy blAst:
I'm nEvEr gOINg baCK! thE pASt is iN thE pASt!
GoNNa risE like aN ELDer gOD,
i’M tHE GoVE! I’m The GOve!
mAY's eLDRitch PAwn iS GOne!
HeRE I STAnd! In thE ligHT oF daY!
LeT my STOrm rAge oN!
EldriTCH cOld nEvEr bOtherEd mE anywAY.
<The storm rises. The figure strides purposely towards the House.>
Rees-Mogg: 'Be prepared' (Part 1 of #brexit musical adventures) is here:
Cooper/Boles 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight' is here: