First take from a shell-shocked Richmond >…
On the mess >……
But she says it was assault >…
He was working as the body man at the time to John Edwards, then the VP nom
Stoney:: "100 pct not true" and "it's offensive" >…
Chaos in Richmond, where legislators, dodging national TV crews, don’t know who will be governor by the end of the week.
“Nobody knows what’s going to happen”…
Fairfax: “you’re a great reporter”
which is not the sort of thing somebody does if they are about to resign
“We fully believe Governor Ralph Northam is neither of the individuals in those repugnant costumes. We attended classes with the Governor. We socialized with him. We knew him very well.”
"All allegations of sexual assault deserve to be taken with profound gravity. We will continue to evaluate the situation regarding Lieutenant Governor Fairfax."
@LGJustinFairfax abruptly hung up on @LevarStoney last night
and w top two Ds in state wounded, Va Ds are prepping Kaine & McAuliffe to step in for crucial ‘19 election
Asked if Herring discussed a photo of his own, Bagby said “He’ll talk about it.”
Before he could say more, the House min ldr pulled him into a private room.…
Then chatter he was confessing to black caucus this am.
It became clear when the legislators trickling in were all white. By 11, grim-faced Af-A lawmakers walked in. 38 mins later Mr. Herring put out his statement
“I want them all to stay put until we learn more”
Repeats “i’m headed to committee” three times
"What began as consensual kissing quickly turned into a sexual assault," Ms. Tyson said, adding: "Mr. Fairfax forced me to perform oral sex on him."
Va tries to catch its breath after a stunning day, which began w Herring wiping tears from his face as he spoke to the black caucus
w @alanblinder, our wrap>…
“Everybody is entitled to have their voices heard,” is all Senator Barbara Favola, an Arlington Democrat, said when asked about the allegations.
And as of now, the gov isn’t quitting, per adviser.
Says not a word about the @virginianpilot report that the VMI yearbook he edited was filled w racist images.
Herring “must continue those conversations, and stand ready to answer questions from the public if he is to regain” voter trust
“deeply disturbed by” Fairfax claims, which should be “taken very seriously”
Fairfax still in peril w Dems just buying time to see what more, if any, details/corroboration emerge
Meanwhile, Northam & Fairfax told one another they’re praying for the other >…
And it’s creating tensions within the congressional delegation around issues of race & gender that are hard enough to discuss outside of a Cat 5 storm >………
Cameos from V.O. Key, J. Harvie Wilkinson, A.L. Philpott, L. Louise Lucas and the squire: John Warner
w @alexburnsNYT >…
Boyd is a farmer in Southside Va, who has been a leader in the black ag community >
“ she has been concerned and angered by what she’s been reading about another victim so she decided to tell her story”
Kessler, her spokesperson, has done a good bit of work with Watson’s attorney, Nancy Erika Smith, on sexual misconduct cases.
Says there is a “smear campaign” being run against him.
And concludes: “I will not resign”
(first reported by @AlanSuderman )
"Due to the serious nature of these allegations, we believe Lt Gov Fairfax can no longer fulfill his duties to the Commonwealth. He needs to address this as a private citizen. The time has come for him to step down."
@JennMcClellanVA and @JCarrollFoy
Sen. McClellan was already widely thought to have statewide aspirations.
We made her a “rising star” in ‘09 - along w a Californian name of Kamala…
a few weeks ago.
when the controversy was about the origins of Brunswick Stew (Va)
"Lieutenant Governor Fairfax should resign. The allegations against him detail atrocious crimes, and he can no longer effectively serve the Commonwealth. We cannot ever ignore or tolerate sexual assault.”…
With @alexburnsNYT, whose formative years were in Rosslyn, a look at part of the reason why this story stings so badly in a self-obsessed state >…
"There is one figure who, were he to pick up the phone, could immediately get through to any of the Democratic Wee Three. He has enduring standing in Va and has already invested his own political capital in each of them - and to beneficial effect: Barack Obama"…
-Fairfax is NOT quitting as of now, we’re told. Wants an independent inquiry
-He flubbed earlier damage control by not calling McEachin *or* the 3 women in delegation
-CBC wants equal treatment of Northam&Fairfax…
-Post-Fairfax CW solidifies around @JennMcClellanVA, who Dickie Cranwell says would be “exceptionally good”
-Still real anger among black legislators toward Northam, who @C_Herring says tried to “moonwalk” back from his admission
-And the word from Jackson Ward
Reston’s own @realgranthill33
(just got to work on that sweatshirt)

Oh, and Ava Lias-Booker is also a Duke grad.…