So was he.
He is low serving time, one of the men named in @HoustonChron database, for what he did to boys.…
I was never told that my small group of girls included one who had been in his Sunday school class. No one ever checked on her or talked to her about what happened because she was a girl.
She had good reason to be.
(She’s a dear friend now that we’re both adults, and I love her feistiness now as much as I was confused by it then.)
Then that summer happened. Then she found out about another boy’s report, a year earlier. Then she found lies upon lies.
You may know Dee from @wartwatch now, but it all started that summer.…
She left that church, left church altogether for years. I stayed. I still didn’t know the full story.
(Side note: I don’t agree with the disclaimer on this. I think too many leaders from then are still at the church now.)
I trust Lise, but I have documents to back it up.
I had only left that church a couple months before, but it was amicable. After my post went viral, that church - with few exceptions - left me.
For many of us, the foundation had already been crumbling.
I was pictured as staff on the church website. I was strongly opposed to HB2. I couldn’t be both, not publicly.
Our response to sexual assault is a pro-life issue, if we value the lives of victims and survivors.
I had left our Southern Baptist church that week. I wrote this anonymously. I didn’t think most of my Southern Baptist friends would care about real people as much as HB2 politics.…
It’s all connected. It’s all entangled. None of the issues are really siloed.…
Some people were so angry with RHE’s theology that they didn’t want to consider anything she shared. They were more angry at RHE (and LGBTQ people) than sexual assault.…
The SBC had been resisting a directory of sexual abusers then. I didn’t know that. I simply knew they treated sex abuse like a political red herring.
They were more mad at trans people than actual sexual abuse.
I didn’t share about that as I left because they were more mad at Jen’s affirmation of LGBTQ identity than they were at sexual abuse.

They were more angry with my politics than they were about sexual assault, even as Trump had a record of sexual assault (including in his own words).
They were more angry at Emily Joy and Hannah for being queer than they were at #churchtoo stories calling attention to sex abuse in the church.
They were more angry with us than at what happened.
Nothing will change until they’re as mad about sexual abuse as they are at people and politics who threaten SBC power. /end