Award is in memory of Shifa, brave female Kurdish reporter killed near Mosul 2yrs ago while reporting on ISIS.
May her legacy live forever.

Kurds suffered so much under ISIS. Important to show that ISIS ideology can't destroy Kurdish &Arab coexistence in fight against extremism.

I decided to dontate full amount to various projects in Kurdistan Iraq.
There are so many people in need! Many ISIS victims.
Soon I'll pick best charities. Will keep u posted.
It symbolizes a woman with wings that come together towards end as a pen. I am holding it now in my hands. It's a beautiful & touching rememberence to brave Shifa.

But after I went to Syria &Iraq I met many Kurds and covered many stories. Afrin, Kobani, Aleppo, Raqqa, Erbil etc. Although situation often difficult, Kurds helped me &gave me welcoming feeling. I'm grateful 🙏
They were either slaughtered, enslaved or cleansed by ISIS.
Hopefully destruction of ISIS will lead to stability for Yazidis. And hopefully some money from award will go to Yazidi families.
But please realize that most stories in MidEast are first reported by local reporters. They take often enormous risks but don't get much credit.
Another reason why #ShifaGardiAward is important.
Thank you very much @AkoRudaw, @janearraf, @lihony, @Joyce_Karam, @wellsab1.
I am truly very honoured and touched that you chose me. 🙏
It was a special moment for me.
Strong & wonderful people. ❤