This is the second of several oversight hearings in the new Congress on family separation, something that is desperately needed. Stay tuned!
Rep. Nadler then calls family separation kidnapping again and highlights the trauma to children.
As I wrote in my declaration in the @ACLU's lawsuit against Remain in Mexico, there's no evidence of this.…
We may never know how many families were separated.…
Nathalie Asher - ICE ERO
Scott Lloyd - HHS (ORR Director during family separations)
James McHenry - EOIR Director
Carla Provost - Border Patrol Chief
Jonathan White - HHS
Here is more information about each witness:…
The reality is more complicated; it's not that more people are sick, it's that the Border Patrol just wasn't taking people to the hospital as often before the deaths of Felipe and Jakelin.
We filed a complaint with @DHSOIG (that they are still investigating) about ICE agents coercing separated parents.…
Not much of an excuse, to be honest...
He had amazing things to say just days ago. Clearly a very principled man:…
Not entirely sure why McHenry is here to basically talk about DOJ's role in family separation. The immigration courts weren't prosecuting anyone.

Chief Provost says, as came out during the last hearing, that there was really no system in place to specifically measure separations.
Chief Provost pauses for a minute before responding.
The problem that people like Chief Provost and Rep. Collins have to deal with is that these laws have been in place for YEARS. There's no evidence they're the cause of families arriving at the border today.
At @immcouncil we've opposed family detention for years. They are not good places.…
ICE says this is fine.…
Lloyd was not at the last hearing where White discussed this.
He begins by asking Commander White if they can perform real-time DNA testing of families to check if they're related.
Delays in the sponsorship process led to many kids being held in custody for months.
Thank you Rep. Lee!
She asks: "It has been reported that you had little interest in reuniting children with their parents" and had instructed staff to stop tracking families.
Lloyd says that is not true.…
Those backlogs have grown more rapidly under Trump than anyone else. They're on pace to double in his first term.…
Worth noting, the latter two are ICE's fault.
A reminder, some of them literally have never heard of New Mexico or where they go. For god's sake, they're not experts in asylum law.…
Asher is basically lying with statistics. The docket is <3 months old, so ONLY cases completed so far are quick orders of removal.
Only 1 case was completed. Asher would say that's a 100% failure to appear rate in completed cases.
But 90% showed up!
The Family Unit docket was started on Nov. 16, 2018. It's been in place for two months! During half of that time, EOIR was shut down!
The only "completed" cases, which Asher cited, are those who missed the first hearing.
White responds by saying that these are not HHS staff.
White's great response? "We don't set ourselves a standard of doing better than smugglers and traffickers."
Maybe ICE ERO wouldn't be criticized so much if they didn't do things like detaining US citizen veterans?…
Is he implying that family separation wasn't a big deal? Was he ever taught that "Two wrongs don't make a right"?
That is an appalling response to family separation. Dear god.
There have been three spikes since 2014. Then ebbs. In 2015 and 2017, numbers dropped massively each year.…
Provost says they separate for "serious criminal convictions," but there have been allegations that DUIs and illegal entry have been grounds for separation.
The problem with this metaphor?
Parents have access to bail. Many are released within hours or days. And there's no civil detention once the criminal sentence is over.
Rep. McClintock is seriously ill-informed on this point. I'd encourage him to check out our explainer:…
As our Managing Director of Programs, @roycebmurray wrote, "It is Legal to Seek Asylum."…
Congrats Dara, you made it! It's official.…
McHenry: No
Lloyd: "I did not say anything along those lines"
Asher: "I did not voice in that exact term"
Provost: [avoids question]
Lloyd, Asher, and Provost's (McHenry wasn't really involved) silence is telling.
I mean, here's EOIR's own chart!…

She says she'll look into it.

As Rep. Jeffries points out, DHS Sec. Kelly said it was.…

ICE ERO's Asher: "No"
Border Patrol Chief Provost: "I'm not aware."
Importantly, many people's original "removals" are expedited removals w/o an initial prosecution for illegal entry.
Lieu calls the policy "not just immoral and unjust, but also mass incompetence."
I think there were a lot of similar notes to the last hearing. Some highlights? Chief Provost admitting families are still being separated if a parent has a nonviolent felony conviction for illegal reentry.