About 3 years ago, my colleagues were always looking for things to nibble on before lunch time.
I picked on that gap, learnt how to make snacks , scaled it up and met that need.
Make referrals for your friends and get a finders fee from them.
They get the job, you get a cut;
You are happy, they are happy.
Client is happy.
I once worked with a lawyer who said I always wrote like a lawyer and I was always the one responding to all official correspondence.
That gave me courage to start a blog. Authored 5 books since then and many more to come.
Sell products for people and earn a commission doing so either online or offline. I love this a lot , because all you are doing is to help promote their products. Once you make a sale, you are rewarded.
Had so much time whilst out of the country a few years ago and I learnt how to design websites and develop online courses. I have replicated that for many companies.
Go out of your comfort zone
If you know your onions and lean the ropes well, you can train people at what you know how to do; online or offline. People are willing to pay to acquire knowledge .
I have done several trainings and still do them.
Mugs, shirts, souvenirs and a lot.
I did this in 2017 and make good returns.
The process can be replicated over and over again.