A new clue from @PrintMuseumCA in looking back to 1933 and asking "What kind of printing press might have been used to create the first comic book?"
Our starting point - a web fed rotary Letterpress by R Hoe of NY, used by newspapers.

A R Hoe press might have run off the first comic book in 1933. Here is a photo of R Hoe's exhibit at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo.
The Exposition was lit by electric power from Niagara Falls, and where President McKinley was assassinated

There is the argument the first comic is *after* Funnies on Parade, which was just 8 pages, and never retailed. Eastern teamed with Dell for a 36 page Famous Funnies A Carnival of Comics, retailed at Woolworth

However, Famous Funnies A Carnival of Comics has no price on the cover. The legend is that Gaines stuck 10c price stickers on them.
If they weren't retailed but given away, then maybe we DQ it and look behind door number 3


There is some good information at a site dedicated to Mills of Connecticut