A thread on where physicians need to obtain #SoMe skills and lead...
Op-ed piece by Dr. LeeAnne Luft:
Call to action by Dr. Angira Patel @sciam blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/i…
Eye-opening @ETSshow podcast w/ @PeterHotez explorethespaceshow.com/podcasting/pet…
#Tweetorials perspective by @Doctor_V 33charts.com/tweetorial/
Article on Physician exemplars ( incl. @EricTopol @SeattleMamaDoc )
#SoMe portfolios for academics jgme.org/doi/full/10.43…
#SoMe use continues to rise. Innovate on platforms that patients and caregivers go to.

- We need more physicians to become skilled with #SoMe , innovate on dissemination methods, and share best practices.
Debates at meetings are nice. Pointless debates on the other hand...