Let’s declutter our space☺️
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@BreakingBarrie3 @FireOFola @bofiasdiaries @segalink @SuperGirlTimidi @JajaPhD @ebuka_akara @solaadio @Mentor_Grace

@Antom_dapper @bofiasdiaries @mpbeads_fabrics @BreakingBarrie3
Life is as simple or complicated as we make it. #BreakingBarriers
We all deal with it. In some part of our world, we face it: be it in our closets, in our offices, or even in our bodies. But the most distracting and debilitating cluttered space is in the head of most people. #BreakingBarriers
#BreakingBarriers @bellajohn005 @Ibilola_Amao @jide_martins @lanrelewis @liveway
Let go of comparisons:
Look away from the clutter on your news feed. Back away slowly from your friend who’s bragging about their brand-new car #BreakingBarriers
Sometimes you need to spend less time on social media (or take a break completely) to reevaluate its place in your life. There are some great apps out there, like Moment, that will actually tell you how much time you’re spending on social media each day. #BreakingBarriers
Is it really possible to declutter your life by getting rid of debt? Oh, you better believe it. There is nothing more freeing and purposeful than paying for things with money you actually have and not owing anyone anything.
Take the following steps and see your life changing:
1. Keep a gratitude log.
Gratitude is appreciating what you have. It’s saying that what you have is enough. Taking time every day to consider your blessings will help bring balance to your life. #BreakingBarriers
Spend five minutes every day to note at least five things you’re grateful for. Some ideas: time with a friend, an award at school, your seatbelt, your breath, for clothes, ability to go to toilet 😀et al #BreakingBarriers
Whether digitally or with paper, journaling is a wonderful release of pent-up thought. By writing down your thoughts, worries, hopes, and experiences, you are finding respite from the chatter inside your head.
#BreakingBarriers @OpeyeGod1 @OroAdunni @FireOFola
#BreakingBarriers @MomentsWithBren
3. Laugh.
Laughter has been proven to be the best medicine for relieving stress. It eases defensiveness, lightens your emotional load, and lifts stress off your shoulders. It brings balance to your psyche because laughter is presence.
Practice not taking yourself so seriously and laugh more often. Really laugh. A deep,hearty,Santa laugh. Watch comedies, hang out with funny friends, go to a comedy club, or play with your kids or your dog.With so many options, stress doesn’t stand a chance #BreakingBarriers
Take time to rest your mind every day. Let your mind shut off from having to process, apply, or interpret information. This means no TV, no conversation, no reading, and no problem solving. @FireOFola have you tried this ☺️? #BreakingBarriers
Watching or listening to anything and everything just because it’s on doesn’t bode well for your psyche. Subtle opinions, biases, and judgments creep into your mind and embed thought structures.#BreakingBarriers
Start really paying attention to the noise that you let seep into your eyes and ears. Ask, Is this benefitting my life in any way? #BreakingBarriers
6. Get creative.
As often as possible, connect with your inner child by exploring your imagination. Let curiosity lead. When it comes to opportunities to get creative, there are plenty!
Move. Sweat. Stretch. Get active&get your endorphins going! Exercise helps control your weight, prevent illness, boost energy,& improve your mood. It helps you sleep better, feel better,&focus better. Aunty @HenshawKate can teach this better 💗
Find an activity that inspires you to raise your heart rate—dance, yoga, martial arts, running, walking, whatever. If maintain some level of frequent activity, it will serve your health and well-being for years to come.
To figure out your top priorities, list your goals, your motivations, and those relationships that matter most to you. Then rank them in order of importance to your well-being. #BreakingBarriers
Evaluate anything that comes between you and your priorities—is it worth you compromising on what matters most?
The late Zig Ziglar said, “You’ll get everything you want if you help others get what they want.” Whatever we feel is lacking in a situation is something we’re not giving. And anytime we feel lack or longing, we’re out of balance.
Make it a point every day to be kind with your actions, your words, and especially your thoughts.
Since when does worrying get you anywhere? Release those useless, negative thoughts of worry. When we do this regularly, we drastically reduce the amount of “stuff” that needs our attention and depletes our energy.
Drawers and cabinets are not the only areas that need tidying. Our minds are full of thoughts in the form of judgments, expectations, and fears that blind us from the truth. #BreakingBarriers
Your turn: What are some ways you find clarity, focus, and balance in life? #BreakingBarriers
Thank you 🙏

Thanks for the RT and likes. 💗
To your success,
Adedayo Olabamiji