If this is you, I have good news: You can change that.
One of the biggest hang-ups for creative people is their innate desire to rally the troops. I struggled with this for years. Until I realize way out. #BreakingBarriers
One very powerful way to attract the things you want in life is to direct your focus. Achieving any goal, big or small, is purely a matter of focus. We get whatever it is that we focus on. #BreakingBarriers
Failure is tough. It does a number on us. When we fail,&we’re going through that pain, the last thing we can think about is attracting good things into our lives because we’re so focused on all the bad things surrounding us. #BreakingBarriers
#BreakingBarriers @Nappyb0yy @IAmSteveHarvey
Whether or not we only live once is a matter up for discussion. But, consciously speaking, we’re only aware of this present life, even if we’ve lived before. The point?#BreakingBarriers
#BreakingBarriers @naval
It’s hard to truly live when we’re constantly worrying about our past decisions or feeling sorry for ourselves. Yes, we all make mistakes. It’s okay. No one is perfect. As long as we do our best not to repeat those mistakes, that’s the purpose of this journey we call life.
4. Everything comes in time to those who can wait
While this saying has been around for a while, we’re not all the best at living a patient life. #BreakingBarriers
As hard as it is sometimes to appreciate it, goals are about the journey and not about the destination. #BreakingBarriers
When we don’t appreciate the journey and who we become, it’s easy to lose sight of the beauty of life. #BreakingBarriers @FireOFola
@threadreaderapp ‘unroll’
Remember with God it’s people like us that succeed in life.
To your success,
Adedayo Olabamiji