We need to address generational theft or we’ll go on harming ourselves from fear and guilt: walls guns and wars.
And failing to realize that to harm others is to harm ourselves.
We haven't invested in infrastructure; our bridges are collapsing.
And bridges are shared.
And our society's education rates crumble, as does our life expectancy.
Shared, shared.
Construction cranes are as common a sight as homelessness, building investment vehicles that will keep empty.
Our guilt will tell.
And yes, it's for profit. But look at profit for whom. Look at those set to bear the brunt.
I think the deep resistance to combating climate change is, all would benefit from the solution
It's the thing behind the thing behind the thing.
We know we hold stolen goods, and we're so afraid of losing it, we can't even share.
"We" even think there's still some separate "we" that can escape consequence.
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We honestly can't afford to NOT address reparations.