2 years ago, I sat with the current
So later today, I'm going to
I'm sick to my back teeth of these crooks. Why the fuck am I fighting for State against the corruption of those in lofty positions undermining the state.
Stay tuned
The only route for a person who is incorrectly labeled as Self-Employed is to write to the Scope Section and request an 'insurability of employment' decision.
The Scope Section is an office of the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection directly
The individual worker gets a decision. For the 17 cases I've been involved with in 20 years, ALL of the workers got decisions that they were, in law and
Prior to 1992, the employer could appeal the Scope decision directly to the courts or could ask the Minister to reconsider the decision.
The nub of this fraud is that for more than 20 years
More to come.
That there is no
There is no provision within Irish Law to allow for the creation or use of 'test cases' by the Social Welfare Appeals Office. Ergo, they are UNLAWFUL
Again, just so that we're all on the same page, it is UNLAWFUL for the SWAO to create and use its own test cases.
The earliest record I have of a precdential test case I have goes back to 1993. It was cited in a legal submission to the SWAO by an employer in 2000.
The next record comes
Again in 2000, another separate precedential TEST CASE was cited in the SWAO by an employer.
Jump forward to 2017 at an Appeal Hearing in the SWAO,
On the 9th of January this year, the Social Welfare Office stated "On occasion over the years an approach of having 'TEST CASES' has been taken or considered by the SWAO".
Now we get to the current downright despicable and dishonest communication from the SWAO where they blatantly lie about having test cases despite numerous admissions that they do have and use test cases.
Stay tuned.
"access to any and all precedential decisions of the SWAO regarding insurability of employment. I cite Opesyitan & ors -v- Refugee Appeals Tribunal & ors [2006] IESC 53 (26 July as precedent for accessing this information"
On the 20th of December 2018, the SWAO DENIED that it created or used its own secret test cases. On the same day, I
On the 9th of January 2019, the SWAO admitted in writing -
This is unequivocal, this is proven fact, the Social Welfare Appeals Office has created and uses its own secret TEST CASES.
I replied to the SWAO and pointed out that despite
Two weeks ago I was informed by the SWAO that my request for access to these unlawful secret test cases was sent for
More to follow
Next we look at the statement "with the agreement of all parties to the appeal".
NEWSFLASH - you cannot

I'd just like to add that I have intimate knowledge of one of these test cases and there was
The final lie from the SWAO is -
But in the very same email the SWAO admits that it does create and use TEST CASES, test cases which have been used to label many
The true factual position is that the SWAO is and has acted unlawfully to deny thousands of workers employee rights and at
This is FACT.