In November 1999, the Organizing Officer of the Communications Workers Union (CWU) wrote to the then Minister for Labour, Trade & Consumer Affairs Mr. Tom Kitt. The Organizing Office expressed his deep disappointment that the Minister refused >
At the same time and totally separate to the CWU, I was asking why, as a motorcycle courier, I was classified as self-employed. I had no doubt that I was an >
Revenue told me it was a >
In July 2000, I contacted the Scope Section of the Department of Social Welfare. Scope make 'insurability of employment' decisions based on all of the available evidence and also on legal principles handed down in various
At the same time I wrote to the then Chairperson of the >
On 10th August 2000, Jim Mitchell forwarded onto me a reply he had received from the >
"The main task was to get all those represented around the table to engage in a >
And that was exactly the purpose of the Employment Status Group, it was a cabal of vested interests >
a) The Status Quo should remain
b) The worker must be forced to the High Court to seek a fair hearing.
This DID NOT happen in the famous >
That my case was specifically discussed by this high powered cabal of vested interests is confirmed in the CWU report.
What the ESG did was to sit in judgement of the Higher Courts and
To close, Scope said I was an employee, the SWAO overturned the decision. Just yesterday, Revenue yet again ignored the explicit determinations of the Higher Courts and restated it's position of classifying all couriers as >