Rats, it was "solving problems at scale." #GoogleNext19
I think the stronger phrasing there would have been "listening to customers," but I do like the sentiment. #GoogleNext19
Except AMP. And AMP for Email. And killing XMPP support in Hangouts. And...
Why do we want this again? Are we sure?
They wanted 3 things:
1. A stack they could run in their DCs.
2. A single model that gave them choice and flexibility to move to multiple clouds without changes.
3. A platform that lets them operate it simply. #GoogleNext19
We shall see.
As soon as it needs higher level services that cloud providers offer the whole thing falls completely to custard as a conceptual model.
I like that. Picking another provider would have rung false / desperate. You just know there was a heated debate in Google Marketing about that though...
Most companies also have some 20 year old Perl scripts keeping the site running too, but that doesn't mean it's good.
That's not embracing. That's going shopping. You went on a shopping trip.
"To be honest we picked anything that wasn't Amazon, and we sorta figure that if you try to enter retail you'll get bored with that too."
Amazon.com does a lot of damage to AWS's brand perception.
Healthcare, unlike your bullshit "Tinder for Pets" apps, is fucking important.

She has the good taste not to answer "A shit-ton more seriously than you apparently take user privacy."
That's a good pick. If you went with Wells Fargo you'd have to answer for the fact that I need six distinct G-Suite accounts to do business.
"...our first new branch model is opening in Harlem."
Collective sigh of relief from Chase customers.
I think Azure wins the latter so far due to its existing EAs, but we shall see.
"We won't compete with you."
If you think this is unfair, please name three businesses Amazon will never possibly enter. I'm listening.
Let me translate what they're saying:
"Reserved Instance purchasing on @awscloud is a fucking nightmare from which you cannot awaken."
They are correct.
Uh... that doesn't sound nearly as good as you think it does, Google.
Credit where due--GCP *nails* this.
"Terminate all billable resources in project."
"Spin up test account."
"Implement the thing I built in the console with code."
"Now the CEOs of some of our open source partners!"
It's a who's-who of who AWS has stomped on recently.
Partnering with GCP seems a lot less perilous...
He's had recurring nightmares about a "Google Cloud Redis" service that's announced directly after his segment.
"No!" he sobs himself awake. "Not again!"
That was rhetorical, right?