Amber Heard claimed on March 8, 2013 Johnny Depp abused her in such a way she got her lip busted, which would have left her with apparent injuries, bruises.
This is Amber Heard on March 14, 2013.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeard

It is now March 15, 2013.
Again, she physically looks perfectly fine.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #AmberHeard

From Heard's new claims in response to Johnny Depp's court documents:
Please read everything to understand everything.
May, 2014: Flight from Boston to LA.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #AmberHeard

You can see EVERYONE is smiling. Johnny is chatting with the staff members and helping with the bags.
Doesn't look "already drunk" at all.

#JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser
Let's start with May 5th, The Met Gala.
The alleged incident hasn't happened yet.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeard #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser

Amber Heard drops Johnny Depp to the airport.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeard #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser

Amber Heard visits Johnny Depp on the set of his film Black Mass.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeard #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser

Amber Heard is now in France at Le Festival de Cannes.
Can you see how flawless her skin is ????
Again I purposely took clear different angles so everyone can see there is no bruises anywhere.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeard #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp in New York at the Aleim Magazine Launch Party
This leaves only a few possibilities for her claims to have taken place but every time, ain't no bruises.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeard #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser

Amber Heard claims in March 2015 (!) Johnny Depp went on a three-day bender on MDMA/ecstasy in Australia while he was filming POTC 5.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #AmberHeard

You can see Johnny Depp has a huge bruise on his face.
4th picture is from a few days later, still in Australia.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #AmberHeard

Amber Heard claims Johnny Depp abused her on a trip during August, 2015.
Note: She did not spend too much time on this specific event.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeard #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser

1/ The trip was actually at the end of July 2015
2/ As I said she didn't spend much time on this event but ironically, It wasn't a simple not so important trip.
It was their Honeymoon escape.…
#JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser
#JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #JohnnyDepp #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #AmberHeard

As you can see his finger his recovering and Johnny does not look one bit drunk.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #AmberHeard

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard were there from July 25 to July 27th, 2015.
A woman reported that she later traveled on the train and got the same room Depp and Heard stayed in.…

You can clearly see this is the same day.
Weirdly enough here she is smiling, clear bright skin and do not look physically hurt.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeard #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser

No bruise on her cheeks, neck, she can walk, and apparently even eat.
An apparition she claimed to have doubted to make due to all the bruises and marks she had on herself.
This is Amber Heard on December 16, 2015.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #AmberHeard

The Heaven Gala.
Again for someone who went close to death like 2/3 weeks ago she looks like she's having the time of her life.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #AmberHeard

#JohnnyDepp #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #JohnnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeard

I specifically chose different angles to show y'all that her neck, face, hands, arms and even back, looked just fine.
#JohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #AmberHeard

Looking as usual, fresh and bright.
On the second photograph you can see how Johnny gently wraps his arms around her, it's nothing hard and suffocating.
#JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard

Ok remember earlier when I detailed Heard's claims that on December 16, 2015 she made a talk show appearance despite having two black eyes, busted lip and nose ?
April 24, 2019: Her own stylist for the night testified against her.…