Who woulda thunk it? After all the tension, infighting, and tribal bickering, the thing that gets us to set aside differences & unite against a common foe is a threat to dox a spacecat.
Saddle TF up, it’s Long Reads time! 👇
Image: @CryptoScamHub

Pomposity, outlandish claims, and outright scams are par for the course in crypto. But an outright attempt to dox someone is a straight up “fuck you” to everything anyone legitimately in this space believes in.
First, legal CT joined the cause.
Baltic Honeybadger, an event that was targeted responded medium.com/@hodlhodl/offi…
Even CZ stepped in.
Here’s the threat @PeterMcCormack received
And response
Crypto: hold my beer
@Ameensol fought back through the process