This is sickening. I'll take you step x step what I see. This might take a while
see exhibit A - Dem Nominee Voter Opinion
@fbi @FBIWFO @FBISanFrancisco @FBINewYork @FBISanAntonio 1/

that op seemingly WORKED on @SenWarren as her favor continued to fall 3 pts by January 30th
did NOT work on @JoeBiden as he went up +1

❌ 2016 election - 3 major flips with HRC
1. When Michael Schmitt's NYTimes article ran re: HRC emails,
2. when BS launched campaign on the heels of the times,
3. During DNC (will link later)
not a FLIP, but HRC never recovered HERE:
HRC's proprietary data searched, downloaded, extorted by BS staffers incl Uretsky. IMO data used, LOOK how BS/HRC favor symmetrically diverge, & inversely proportionate
all my #faketrends #hamiltondashboard tweets past 2 yrs support this.
the MAGAbomber Cesar Sayoc REALLY RUINED the last week heading into November - DT couldn't regain MSM narrative UNTIL he went to PA after synagogue bombing.…