We are here to make history.
We are here to begin our campaign to make Scotland an independent, prosperous country in the EU." #SNP19 #ItsTime

The future of our nation will only be enhanced when we break free of the dangerous, nasty and failing politics of Westminster." #SNP19
A Brexit cliff-edge that will destroy jobs and make people poorer." #SNP19
It has to be stopped.
We cannot, and we will not, allow Scotland to follow Theresa May or Boris Johnson off the cliff-edge." #SNP19
But the clock is once again ticking down. Our position is clear.
SNP MPs will fight to stop Brexit." #SNP19
We have a choice of Scotland as a destination in Europe - or being sidelined within an inward-looking UK." #SNP19
The Prime Minister is frozen in a failure of her own making - humiliated and hamstrung by the hard-right Brexiteers in her party.
Theresa May, your time is up." #SNP19
We will not be dragged into the gutter with them.
Our ambition is to grow a fairer, inclusive, welcoming and prosperous country." #SNP19
We have the courage, the belief and the dedication to turn the tide for Scotland.
We have led the journey and the destination is now in sight." #SNP19
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