There are 62 areas of power that Scotland doesn't have but will instantly gain as a result of ending the union with England..
2 registration and funding of parties
3 international relations
4 the civil service
5 defence
6 treason
7 fiscal, economic and monetary policy
8 currency
9 financial services
10 financial markets
11 money laundering
12 drug abuse
14 elections
15 fire arms
16 film classification
17 immigration and nationality
18 scientific procedures on animals
19 national security and counter terrorism
20 betting, gaming and lottery
21 emergency powers
22 extradition
24 business associations
25 insolvency
26 competition
27 intellectual property
28 import and export control
29 sea fishing outside the Scottish zone
30 customer protection
31 product standards, safety and liability
32 weights and measures
34 postal services
35 research councils
36 electricity
37 oil and gas
38 coal
39 Nuclear energy
40 energy efficiency
41 marine transport
42 air transport
43 social security schemes
44 child support
45 pensions
46 architect
47 health professional
49 employment and industrial relations
50 health and safety
51 xenotransplantation
52 embryology, surrogacy and genetics
53 medicines, supplies and poison
54 welfare foods
55 broadcasting
56 public lending right
57 judicial salaries
58 equal opportunities
60 ordinance survey
61 time
62 outer space
Scotland has none of those powers as they are reserved to England, we would gain all of this over night.
Impressed? Well that's not all..
63 agricultural support
64 fertiliser regulations
65 gmo marketing
66 organic farming
67 zootec
68 animal health and traceability
70 chemicals regulation
71 reciprocal healthcare
72 environmental quality, chemicals
73 ozone depleting substance and gas
74 pesticides
75 waste and product regulations
76 fisheries management and support
77 feed safety and hygiene law
79 food labelling
80 hazardous substances planning
81 eu emissions trading system
82 mutual recognition of qualifications
83 nutrition health claims
84 plant health and seeds
85 public procurement
86 services directive
Let's continue with the long list of benefits an Indy Scotland will have, shall we..
87 removal of nuclear weapons
89 modern functional democracy
90 exploration of oil and gas
91 pay for just one parliament
92 end to tax evasion, corruption
93 create a sovereign wealth fund
94 nationalise all infrastructure
95 invest in renewables
96 improve equality
98 create modern army, defense
99 eu membership or efta
100 no more Tory government's
This last reason for independence is the only one needed..
101 Scotland runs itself rather than our neighbour being in control.
The expression "people", as tentatively defined by the United Nations Organisation,
The Scottish qualifications are absolutely unchallengeable on both counts.
#WeAreScotland #ScotRef…

No nation in the world is entirely “pure”, in the sense of consisting of only one ethnic group, with the possible....
The Scottish Nation has occupied its national territory throughout its entire history, for there has never been any other occupant of the land...
This geographical distinctiveness is underlined by the nature of Scotland’s topography, with settlements to a great extent...
This distinctive geographical situation, and the climate of a land extending from 54° 38’ to 60° 51’ north of the
The Scottish people are one of the most ancient nations in Europe, with one and a half thousand years of shared experience as a political unit, during which time they have lived continuously within the bounds of their present national territory......
The present border between Scotland and England was finally established....
The only border issue comparable with similar cases in..
The factor that makes Scotland's claim of right to self-determination different from almost all others is that its participation within the present United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is not based on conquest or other form of assimilation,...
Scotland has a quite unique history of its own. It possesses its own highly...
Almost all of Scotland's other national institutions are equally distinctive. Scots law is based on totally different principles from..
The ancient crown insignia of the Kingdom of Scots, the Honours of Scotland, which can be seen in Edinburgh Castle, testify to one of the oldest monarchies in the world.
"But if this Prince (Robert I, King of Scots)...
The reason Yes was on the back foot was because the status quo was known, therefore the Noes just had to ask questions. Which became increasingly stupid in many cases (eg how much will a first class stamp cost in an independent Scotland 🤪)
Some questions for No.
How are you going to replace all that European trade?
How can the UK survive on its own with nothing in place?
Can you guarantee the security of our NHS?
Won't the UK be a basket case economy with £2trn debt?
That pound, won't it now sink like a stone?
Why are you pulling us away from an awesome trade deal with the 35 most stable and affluent countries on the planet?
One meaning,
One demand,
One collective movement, slowly dragging a nation behind it, with stooped backs, digging their toes in the muck, gradually inch by inch edging closer and closer by the day, it can see where it needs to be, up ahead, to breathe, to enlighten,
But there's clouds around and the rain comes in from the south and still it pulls, but with more and more gusto than before, it'll get there, slowly slowly catch a monkey.
The goal is greater than first thought, the size of
The world has moved on since then.
In 2014 The Liberal democrats were in government.