Looks like I’m spending my Saturday morning heckling some maliciously ignorant neighbors ☕️

One of the “studies” is by a homeopath with no immunology background.
Presenter claims, ironically with no evidence, “no their studies aren’t scientific at all”
Bruh that’s literally the opposite of how science works
I’ve seen this movie
One audience member claims that vaccinating kids is against the Nuremberg Principles.
Presenter falsely claiming a very clear causal relation between vaccination and cancer in kids.
“I always think what if they didn’t get vaccinated? Would they be better? It’s so hard to tell” Which doesn’t answer the question at all
Audience member scoffing: “do you think Obama’s kids are vaccinated?”
“I tried to give [my kid] chicken pox five times... I tried to give them mumps and measles”
How is this not child abuse?
...yes, measles deaths have decreased because we started vaccinating
She’s now claiming with no evidence that MEASLES PROTECTS YOU FROM CANCER (also heart disease)
What the actual fuck
This is not correct. Live vaccines use a crippled virus to trigger immune protection. It is completely different from the wild type virus.
Measles can result in fatal opportunistic infections. Measles doesn’t have to directly kill you to be fatal.
Presenter is falsely claiming that vaccine is more dangerous than polio, and mother should just give her kids “tons of vitamin C and tons of cod liver oil”
Man in audience suggests mother make her daughter drink her own urine instead of getting polio vaccine.
I can’t tell if this guy is crazy or a gigatroll
The hard hitting evidence: “you can google it”
For reference, that would be more than deaths from motor vehicles in the US.
This is a logical fallacy known as the “Galileo gambit”, ie “I must be a misunderstood genius if people are judging me” - statistically you’re probably just wrong