Violent Coup Fails in Nicaragua, US Continues Regime Change Efforts shar.es/aalRd8
Correcting the Record: What Is Really Happening in Nicaragua? shar.es/aalRiB
#WeAreMADURO US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II shar.es/aalRIT
CIA Covert Ops in Central America: Nicaragua and the Road to Contra-Gate shar.es/aalRFX
The Truth About Nicaragua
Troika of tyranny’!? US sanctions entirety of Venezuela, warns Cuba & Nicaragua ‘you're next’ — RT USA News rt.com/usa/442907-tro…
Most of the problems Venezuela confronts as a nation on a daily basis is because of US sanctions but mainstream media doesn’t tell you this!
Of course they don’t and believe it or not the Venezuelan people are also tired of living in deception and confronting hardships thanks yo imposed sanction by Trump, Obama, etc. & of course IMF!
#RegimeChange brought to you by the same thugs who bring in troops to steal oil from Sovereign countries.
- to grab control of Venezuela's oil reserves, the largest in the world.
Nicolas Maduro #TrumpMustGo #YankeeGoHome #WeAreMADURO

Oppose the US Backed Coup Attempt in Venezuela! Only The People Can Decide!
The following three pieces by Latin American anarchists are recommended readings for + detailed analysis on political & economic situation unfolding in Venezuela

Emergency Rally to Support Venezuela and denounce US-led imperialism! #MaduroEsMiPresidente #WeAreMADURO #YankeeGoHome

By @RussiaConnects
Recognition of the rebel president in Venezuela is a prime example of Western disrespect for international law and sovereignty, said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.
That's obvious . They've taken Brazil Argentina and Ecuador next is Venezuela
Venezuelan public has right to think about their govt nd leader.Who r US or others to think nd change regime of Venezuela?US should just stop his step against Venezuela .
Venezuela has world largest oil reserve now this time.Its big factor for this time. No doubt its game for occupy to Venezuela oil field by US.
#Venezuela top trend in Twitter today followed by #WeAreMADURO and #YankeeGoHome The MSM scheduled show for the opposition and Mr. Nobody coronation has turned against them

Faced with extreme imperialist insolence, which seeks to impose on our Homeland a puppet and servile government, I’ve given 72 hours to all USA diplomatic and consular personnel to leave the country. Venezuela shall be respected! #YankeeGoHome

Venezuela Trends as of a few moments ago...
#WeAreMaduro #YankeeGoHome
@StateDept @POTUS @SecPompeo @PressSec @ForeignOffice @CNN @CNNi @BBC @BBCNewsnight @NBC @CNBC @MSNBC @WashingtonPost @NYTimes

#EnVivo 📹 | Nos sumamos a la extraordinaria movilización del pueblo aguerrido en conmemoración del 61° Aniversario de la Rebelión Popular del #23Ene de 1958.

#MaduroEsMiPresidente #WeAreMADURO #YankeeGoHome
Pro government rally. El Rosal, #Caracas, #Venezuela
"Con una mentira suele irse muy lejos, pero sin esperanzas de volver"(Proverbio judío). Así les vas pasar Sres de las Oposición, el mal de la calumnia es semejante a la mancha de aceite, deja siempre huellas. Aquí esta la prueba #WeAreMaduro #YankeeGoHome

US trying to create "government in exile" in Venezuela — ambassador
#WeAreMaduro #YankeeGoHome
Developments in Venezuela show West's real attitude toward international law — diplomat
#WeAreMaduro #YankeeGoHome
US policy toward Venezuela "direct interference" into country's affairs — Russian official
#WeAreMaduro #YankeeGoHome
#Venezuela’s Defense Minister, Vladimir Padrino Lopez, declared that the National Bolivarian Armed Forces refuses to accept the opposition leader #JorgeGuaido as the interim president of the Latin American country. #FANB #NicolasMaduro #WeAreMaduro
🇺🇸really has lost all credibility in the world.🤨😏

¿Recuerdan cuando USA dio democracia a Afganistán?
¿Recuerdas cuando USA dio democracia al pueblo de Irak?
¿Recuerdan cuando USA dio democracia a Libya?
¿Recuerdan cuando USA dio democracia a Syria?

except as president of the National Assembly.
The masses and the army support MaduroMaduro
I think you gangsters will miss this one more.
#ForaBolsonaro #WeAreMADURO

a no ser como presidente de la Asamblea Nacional.
La población y el ejército apoyan MaduroMaduro
Creo que los gángsteres perderán más esta.

US Warmongers and Neocrazies must get OUT of #Venezuela
Take a look at the hashtags of the moment in Venezuela
Echa un vistazo a las hashtags del momento en Venezuela
A tag #MeDeclaro é uma ironia ao opositor que se declarou presidente

Maduro had more than 6,000,000 votes!
How Guaidó could be more legitimate q Maduro with less than 2% of their votes?
🇨🇷Costa Rica
Supporting President Maduro
Em resposta a @eucopresident
Who made you the decider of who governs Venezuela ? Are you Venezuelan ? FYI Tusk telesurenglish.net/news/Venezuela…
#HandsOffVenezuela #WeAreMADURO
🇨🇷Costa Rica
Supporting President Maduro
By recklessly & irresponsibly interfering in 🇻🇪's internal affairs🇺🇸is putting huge numbers of lives at risk. We have all been here before & have seen the obsessive interference by🇺🇸time & time again.
It NEVER ends well.

By recklessly & irresponsibly interfering in 🇻🇪's internal affairs🇺🇸is putting huge numbers of lives at risk. We have all been here before & have seen the obsessive interference by🇺🇸time & time again.
It NEVER ends well.

Many people are here! Much dignity and heroic history ... VENEZUELA will return to make history kicking the ass of the imperialist #MiPresidenteEsMaduro #YankeeGoHome #58h

This is Democracy Now! I’m Amy Goodman. The US & allied nations in Latin America are ratcheting up pressure on Venezuela in what appears to be a coordinated effort to remove Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro from office.
Things to Know About Venezuelan Opposition Leader Recognised as President by US:
#Venezueala #WeAreMaduro #YankeeGoHome #US #USA #Trump #Coup
Unsure about what is happening right now in Venezuela? Cut through the corporate media propaganda and get the full low-down on the current US-backed coup in progress here venezuelanalysis.com/news/14244
Venezuela divide: Turkey, Russia, China stand against Washington, its Latin America allies — RT World News.
#Venezuela #WeAreMaduro #YankeeGoHome #Trump #US #USA #Coup
If you want to know why a country is experiencing a CIA coup, just look at its relationship with Israel. Before #Venezuela expelled the US diplomats they expelled the Israeli ones. ynetnews.com/articles/0,734…
¡Entérate de lo que pasa en #Venezuela por teleSUR! paper.li/teleSURtv/1452…
Russia Warns US Against Military Interference in Venezuela's Affairs: sputniknews.com/world/20190124…
Iran Russia China Turkey have rejected the fake President.
China is calling on the United States to stay out of Venezuela
#YankeeGoHome #WeAreWithNicolasMaduro #NicolasMaduro #ActeXII #Tulsi2020 #WeAreMADURO
@EmmanuelMacron 👈Are you for real?!
Macron salutes anti-Maduro protesters in #Venezuela
and violently suppresses anti-Macron protesters at home #GiletsJaunes at the same time
Putin: Foreign interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs grossly violates international law — RT World News.
#WeAreMADURO #YankeeGoHome
Erdogan Slams Trump's Remark on Venezuela as 'Shocking':
#WeAreMADURO #YankeeGoHome
Timeline of Political Instability in Venezuela Over the Years:
#WeAreMADURO #YankeeGoHome
How US-Venezuela Escalation Unfolded From Sanctions to Backing Anti-Maduro Coup:
#WeAreMADURO #YankeeGoHome
Video: Replican redes sociales situación en Venezuela bit.ly/2TdKm4v #Venezuela #WeAreMADURO #YankeeGoHome
#LIVE | President @NicolasMaduro: "I told Putin that there is a deep provocation coming directly from the US"
watch here: bit.ly/2Rf7TjX

We will not accept any empire imposing governments on us by extra-constitutional means. In Venezuela, respect for the will of the people, the Constitution and Sovereignty will reign. We shall prevail!
US interfering in Venezuela? No need to ask Mueller to determine that – Lavrov — RT World News rt.com/news/449596-la…
Aquí casual desde la cancillería colombiana 🐁🐁🐁 😂😂 #YankeeGoHome
#VenezuelaYElMundoConMaduro #WeAreMADURO 🤝🇻🇪

By @maduro_en
#EnVivo | With the presence of all the Public Powers, we began the Juridical Year 2019 and the Presentation of the Management Report 2018. pscp.tv/w/1gqxvnOLzlpxB
#EnVivo | Arriving at the headquarters of the Juridical Power, to give continuity to the formal acts of government. pscp.tv/w/1OyJAyrmMvyJb
By @maduro_en
20.I call upon the hardened and combating people to be alert, dedicated on one hand to work and study, and on the other, mobilized to defend the stability of the Homeland. Neither coup nor interventionism, Venezuela wants peace!

The right-wing Venezuelan and Brazilian right-wingers are using the images of this march in support of President-elect Nicolas Maduro as if they were supporters of the coup and usurper Guaidó.
#WeAreMaduro: Após tentativa de golpe na Venezuela, apoio a Maduro cresce nas redes | Revista Fórum revistaforum.com.br/wearemaduro-ap…
Padrino López (Minister of Defense of Maduro): "It is very serious: it attacks the rule of law & the peace of all Venezuelans, it is aberrant"
🇨🇷Costa Rica
Supporting President Maduro
🇿🇦South Africa
The #Venezuelan government is against #Israel. They also nationalised the oil fields. That’s why the US wants to get rid of them. #venezuela
Here’s the real reason why the far right neocon regime in #Washington is attempting a coup in #Venezuela. (Remember #Iraq? Remember Saddam doing the same before he was slaughtered?) rt.com/news/441448-ve…
That’s unfair, the @CIA have spent a fortune working to topple the democratically elected government of #Venezuela
El pueblo aguerrido de Venezuela rechaza de manera firme y contundente las agresiones imperiales contra nuestra Patria. Defenderemos esta tierra como lo hicieron nuestros Libertadores. ¡Viva el Pueblo de Venezuela!
Right-wing coup leaders have failed to win support of the military.
The high command today pledged their allegiance to President Maduro and the Bolivarian Revolution.
Putin and Xi have got this.
Putin has rearmed the Venezuelan military with the best manpad SAM systems.
Xi is buying their oil and developing their oil fields.
This attempted coup in Venezuela
Will fail militarily and economically.
All to power your V8 cars.
For all you deluded "centrists"who think the🇺🇸-backed coup in🇻🇪is about the welfare of the people there, here's Trump explaining how regime change should be used to steal natural resources
Venezuela has the biggest oil reserves in the world
#Venezuela We now know why @POTUS wants a border wall, as the🇺🇸messes up with countries south of its border, Trump thinks a wall will protect the🇺🇸from refugees created by their neoliberal interventions & destabilisation- this emperor is naked

Venezuela is just yet another exemplar of the US destabilising crusades against the sovereignty of the people of Central & South America / thread by @Filomen03258997
Signed. If you decide to sign too remember to retweet for wider audience. Oppose US regime change operations.
The unbelievable hypocrisy
Macron, whose own approval rating in🇫🇷has sunk to 21%, hails the “courage” of 🇻🇪’s protesters while beating, arresting, tear gassing & brutally cracking down on thousands of #YellowVests protesters at home for weeks
Funny how when it comes to foreign regime change, the Democrats forget all about their differences with #Trump. #Venezuela
i disagree, this has nothing to do with minerals, oil rather the vindictive nature of the Khazars and Sephardic .Jews who have not forgiven Venezuela for nationalising their stolen loot
Sign & RT to join me in opposing Trump & Pence's war and coup threats on Venezuela.
By @NicolasMaduro
Comparto el Resumen del Solemne Acto de Inicio de las Actividades Judiciales del Año 2019.
This is a pro-#Maduro rally in Caracas’s. The mainstream media says the #Venezuelan people want #JuanGuaido but the reality is far more complex. When the mainstream media says Venezuelan people they mean the neocons.
Summary of Solemn Act of Commencement of Judicial Activities for the Year 2019🇻🇪.
Since USA are the mercenary army of Zionist Israel the minerals and oil are spoils of war, no different than the British Raj the major benefactor was the Rothschild and his cronies, this was their role is hidden
US (Both Parties Acting for Bankers) involvement in regime change has entailed both overt and covert actions aimed at altering, replacing, or preserving only and only US UK interest. Here good guy Sanders says..
Although Trump is dumb he tells the truth. This is what🇺🇸has been doing for centuries invading other countries & changing regimes. Not for benefit of other countries but to steal resources & helping zionist banker's & corporations
#Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro condemns US intervention in his country’s affairs
Maduro orders closure of embassy in US amid 'coup' ptv.io/2gwc

Erdogan: Trump's support of #Venezuela's Guaido 'shocked' me
No money for wall
No money for furloughed government employees😧😨
but Trump to send 20 million dollars of tax payers money to Venezuelan opposition.😲😠😡🤬
#WeAreMADURO #YankeeGoHome #WeAreWithNicolasMaduro Venezuela Nicolas Maduro

Propaganda against Maduro in the U.S.; Summary Everything was already planned and will come more heavy things; prepared to defend the truth! #YankeeGoHome #WeAreMADURO #venezuela #bolsonaroarregao
In #Venezuela 🇻🇪 NO poverty. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world after #ArabiaSaudita 🇸🇦. facebook.com/WebGuerrillero… Do you understand that you want #US🇺🇸& why what happens?

Several countries, including Iran, Russia, China, Turkey, Syria & Palestine, have reacted to the failed coup against Venezuela & show their support for the people. spanish.almanar.com.lb/280590

#Hezbola announces its support to the president of #Venezuela 🇻🇪, Nicolás Maduro, against the coup supported by #US 🇺🇸 spanish.almanar.com.lb/280667

#24Ene. How far does the American empire go? The imperialist diabolical machine and its toys -Facebook and Instagram- to the service eliminated Nicolas Maduro's account. htv.mx/1vyp

# 24Ene #Russia 🇷🇺 has warned about the catastrophic consequences that foreign interference may have on #Venezuela 🇻🇪 to overthrow the government of Nicolás Maduro. htv.mx/1vyo

# 24Ene #Siria denounces US "blatant attack on Venezuelan sovereignty" by recognizing the opposition Juan Guaidó as president instead of Nicolás Maduro. htv.mx/1vyb
#WeAreMADURO #VenezuelaMexicoEstaContigo

🔴#Venezuela 🇻🇪Maduro accepts the mediation of #Mexico 🇲🇽 & #Uruguay🇺🇾 to start a dialogue with his opponents.! Come Mexico dear! ️
1. goo.gl/eXMJXC
2. bit.ly/2Dxtv7a

# 24Ene The same script, #US 🇺🇸 plans to create a parallel government as it did in #Libia 🇱🇾 & #Siria 🇸🇾, this parallel government will possibly be installed in #Colombia 🇨🇴, #Brasil 🇧🇷. htv.mx/1vxG

# 25Ene @AlfredoJalifeR_ China says it rejects external interference in Venezuela and supports the efforts of the Maduro government to protect its independence and stability. htv.mx/1vyc
#WeAreMADURO #ElMundoConVzla
⚡️"Russia🇷🇺 has already recognized Maduro as the legitimately elected president of Venezuela🇻🇪& will not change his position", Andrei Klimov senator of the Council of the Russian Federation, said on Wednesday⚡️es.rt.com/6hum #VenezuelaYElMundoConMaduro

tüm bunlarin sorumlusuda amerika oldugunu söylemeye cesaretin mi yok?
usa hands away from #Venezuela



En🇻🇪se impondrá el respeto a la Constitución y a las leyes, para que reine la paz y el Estado de Derecho. Cuento con el amor y el apoyo de la inmensa mayoría del pueblo venezolano para lograrlo. ¡Justicia para lograr la Paz!
#Venezuela #Caracas Amerikan konsolosluğu çalışanları polis eskortları eşliğinde ülkeyi terk etmek üzere havalimanına gidiyor.
#WeAreMADURO #YankeeGoHome
"No apoyen un golpe de Estado en Venezuela": Manifestante irrumpe en la reunión de la OEA es.rt.com/6hzo #OEAconMaduro #VenezuelaYElMundoConMaduro
#YankeeGoHome #WeAreMaduro