Abortion is specifically about the right to NOT be pregnant/endure child birth.
This is the right to bodily autonomy
Economies cannot function [are not sustainable] if women are not constantly producing new humans.
[Examle: the concern in Japan for declining birth rates.]
Pregnancy is overly romanticized in western culture [w/deep seeded roots in religion]
So many view childbirth as fantasy w/no understanding of the risks.
This is obvious from the US’ stance on maternal healthcare & maternity leave laws.
Women of color and low-income women receive the brunt of this.
It’s defining the POTENTIAL of life over a living, sentinel life over another.
Bacteria is life, ants are life, your burger was a life, zygotes are also life. It shouldn't be taboo to discuss a fetus being a POTENTIAL life.
There are many different abortion experiences, some simple & relieving, but some are truly mourned as a death. Both reactions are normal. It's your own experience with your own body
🔹No human should be required to share their organs w/another human
🔹No human should be required to sacrifice their life for another human
The intention or reason behind obtaining an abortion is irrelevant in the context of the right to bodily autonomy.
It is NOT any woman’s obligation to ensure humanity continues.
[This is part of the patriarchy, misogynistic arrogance, and it’s misconception.]
This right to refuse organ donation to bodily autonomy even extends past death.
If you don't legally agree to be an organ donor while still alive, they will bury your healthy, viable organs in the ground instead of using them to save another human.
It is the last part of Erin’s statement.