It contains a cameo by Kelis’s #Milkshake—more on that soon.
A brief thread for #MemorialDayWeekend

We were in the same class, assigned to the 333d Fighter Squadron Lancers.
I went to the 389th Fighter Squadron (Thunderbolts), and he went to the 391st (Bold Tigers).
One of those questions asks whether there is a song you would want played at that event.
Fighter pilots are total jokesters. Quick-witted, unserious jokesters (about non-flying things). It is often said that the best fighter pilot stories should contain no more than 10% truth--the rest should be exaggeration
Here is the @TIME write up if you’re interested:…
But he saved his pièce de résistance until he could look down on the rest of us and laugh his ass off.
And it included a song…
And then it came:
♫ “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard…” ♫
We keep looking around, trying to hold back the laughter. More #Milkshake.
No more holding back now. Pure laughter, mixed with tears. Everyone in attendance. Everyone in formation. They played the Whole. Damn. Song.
Piston got us all. He got us laughing at his damn military memorial service.
But I’ll never forget looking at MadDog, Diablo, Galtzy, Locker, and everyone else who tried to keep it together when Piston’s #milkshake brought us all to the yard.
♫ “Lala-la la la.” ♫