source: "Strangers: Homosexual Love in the 19th Century" by Graham Robb
Google Books: books.google.com/books?id=Ra4bT…
AZ: amzn.to/2YVjsAJ

Madison's doctored letter to Jefferson about Lafayette (see footnotes for details): founders.archives.gov/documents/Madi…
WP: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_Pi…
Digitized selection of pre-filming script responses from the Production Office: digitalcollections.oscars.org/cdm/landingpag…
(My free short story "Do you know anything about canals?", in which Ash and Rafe Cohen run a con on Aaron Burr, follows directly from this incident: roselerner.com/bookshelf/live…)
(thank you to @O_Waite for loaning me this book!!)
By total coincidence today's Spoiler Wednesday (about my research for Rafe Cohen's book) is also about erasure in the historical/literary record. Join my Patreon to read: patreon.com/posts/27202805
[gif: Roman Reigns being beautiful and saying "I love you"]