Concept art (1975) by Colin Cantwell.

(Drawing from OriginalProp)

Hello, Arrestor cruiser.

Fortunately, we now can see the scene cut off (on the Blu-ray too), and (admittedly briefly) the Arrestor Cruiser!
(Yes, the visual effects are not finished.)
(the image is just for illustration)

The debut of Cantwell's work on Star Wars is extremely well told in the Making of SW written by @jwrinzler

(Original Prop blog)

Cantwell & Lucas :

Cantwell model/ILM SFX model/A New Hop (1977).

Let me know if some of Cantwell's concept models remind you of something.

40 years later, the production of Solo is launched. Someone from Lucasfilm (who?) has the wonderful idea of paying tribute to Cantwell's early works.

Many, many great concept arts.…