here's a few books that are p good, go look on the GDC YouTube as well for tons of great talks:………
- what am I feeling?
- how do diff elements (visuals, controls, audio, camera, marketing) effect that experience?
- what changes to those elements would change how it feels?
example, if you enjoy Spelunky, really STUDY its wiki for its damage numbers, spawn rates, etc. What would
happen to the ~feeling~ if some of those numbers changed?
don't love heavy UI? puzzles? platformers? fine. you don't have to make them. but you CAN learn stuff from them that you won't find in your stomping grounds.
designers are problem-solvers, you can only be so good at problem-solving if your reference-points are all insular.
player experience goals.
possible you will independently re-invent Mario Bros. But it's also possible you will invent something new and