A guest house offering free hospitality to loved ones of men held at Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, GA, a tiny town w/no hotel, supermarket or other help for the largest for-profit immigrant detention center in the US.
@lawyers4goodgov has a travel fund to send pro bono lawyers (esp Spanish speaking) to the border, using cash or frequent flier miles. They also represent detained asylum seekers remotely & ALWAYS need more volunteer lawyers.
Located w/a foot each in Nogales, AZ and Nogales, Sonora Mexico, @KinoBorder provides humanitarian aid to deportees from the US & other migrants & they run educational workshops. In-kind & $$ donations, lots of volunteer needs.

Grassroots group located in Chula Vista, CA accepts monetary donations & in-kind & sends them to Tijuana shelters across the border, to help refugees waiting to cross into the US.
Amazon: amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls…

Led by and for immigrants to stop the inhumane system of deportations and detentions, @NewSanctuaryNYC offers volunteer accompaniment to ICE checkins, legal support & referrals and bond funds.
The entire purpose of @ImmFamTogether is putting separated immigrant families back together & helping them stay thus, thru the imm process. Bond funds, transport, housing, legal aid, medical care.
Many ways to help!
@Lights4Liberty has set in motion a nationwide VIGIL for the children in detention AND this entire issue, entirely grassroots, popping up in over 114 locations across the country SO FAR.
DATE: July 12, 2019
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